just dance 🕺J.Q

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Just a fun little imagine about just dance.

Word count :797

It was a lovely day on the set of stranger things season 4 : it was a sunny day outside, scenes didn't take that many takes , and the cast were really enjoying themselves.

So much so that they decided to play just dance during their breaks and inbetween scenes . It was Joe Keery's idea to even play it because he saw that Maya was playing 'Animal Crossing ' and asked if she had 'Just Dance' on her switch as well to which she responded " obviously what person doesn't " with a laugh.

Everyone was pairing up and dancing so Joe and Gaten were one pair , Joseph and y/n were another, so were Sadie and Maya , as well as Noah and Millie and lastly Finn and Caleb . They ended up playing as quartets which was just the adults in one group and the kids in another so basically any other activity they did on set .

Somehow Joseph and y/n were winning by a crap load of points purely because they always played it whenever they were together whether that be after a date or they were bored at an ungodly hour of the night or were bored in one of their trailers waiting to shoot a scene . They both had almost mischievous smirks plastered on their faces when Joe first said about it because they knew they were going to win .

What they didn't anticipate however was when dancing to Copacabana by Barry Manilow that Joseph would someone split his trousers from front to back because Finn thought it would be funny to trip him up .

" I'm hoping that rip was in my head and not my trousers " he nervously said not even wanting to look down

" If I were you I'd get a different pair of trousers on " Sadie said

" Oh god " Joseph replied walking to his trailer to change.

" I didn't expect you to actually trip , I meant to like pretend do it " Finn apologised once he came back

" I think its more the fact that you basically attempted the splits on the way down that ripped them " y/n laughed

" costume is gonna hate you , that's what your fourth pair ? " Maya asked

" How on earth have you been through four pairs already ? Millie questioned

" You know that scene where we all steal the trailer and we have to climb through the open window , yeah well I kept catching it on the window ledge of the trailer and it would either result in a ginormous rip or my trousers would be pulled down in the process " he explained as everyone laughed imagining the embarrassing situation.

" Glad no one had to stand behind you during that borderline traumatic experience " Gaten joked

Joe and Gaten manged to dance to Raining men by the weather girls and Finn and Caleb danced to Beauty and a beat by Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj before they were called back to set .

" Okay Don't be mad , but I ripped my trousers again " Joseph sheepishly said as he walked into the costumes trailer with his trousers in hand .

" It wasn't my fault this time though so you can't actually blame me "

" It never is you're fault , I'm sure that window ledge had a grudge against you " the woman chided

" He's right Rachel , I tripped him when he was dancing and he did some awkward splits/ bambi on ice moves and technically that's what actually split them , but it was my fault " Finn explained to the poor woman who had been through this four other times so knew exactly what to do .

" I'll get someone to repair them in time for your scene , but please be more careful with them next time " she pleaded

" I'll try for your sake Rachel " he laughed and walked out back to y/n's trailer.

He knocked and waited for her to answer, but didn't even get time to climb the first step into her trailer before she was questioning him

" Did she forgive you ? Are you gonna get in trouble ? Can you shoot your scenes later ? " she asked worried about the future of her boyfriends job

" She said she'll fix them before my scene later , I've still got my job as far as I'm aware don't worry " he laughed as he hugged her

" Still can't believe you ripped five pairs of trousers we've only been filming 4 weeks " she mumbled into his chest still hugging him

" You can't talk you've been through like 18 different shirts because you can't eat or drink anything without making a mess " he poked fun at her

" it only happened like 3 times , so get your facts right mister " she said pointing an accusing finger at him feigning a pout to be dramatic.

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