Cuffed for a day E.M

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This took so long and I apologise, also beware that its unedited and not proofread . Also there's a crap load of dialogue because I'm a lazy writer

Might do a part 2 🤷🏻‍♀️

Warnings:little bit of spice , a curse word , sex references

Word count :2.3k words , it's a long one buckle up

Eddie Munson and Y/n Wheeler weren't on the best terms they couldn't even be in the same room without bickering and being at each others throats.

Obviously , it was difficult to not be near each other because y/n had to pick up and drop off her younger brother Mike at his new D&D club most nights and the metal head would visit their house to work on a campaign with the younger boy

Unfortunately for y/n her sister Nancy had broken her promise that she would take Mike to hellfire club as she was heading to school anyway to edit the story for the newspaper , but instead got called in earlier than she thought she would, so that left Mike begging his other sister to drive him and Dustin to play their game

" You don't even have to play or watch you can just sit in your car " Mike tried to plead with the girl

" Fine , but you owe me one and if I get bored I'll just go find Nancy " she gave in

Within the next 10 or so minutes Mike and Dustin were in the backseat of y/n 's car on their way to Hawkins High where they thought it would be a normal night

How wrong they were , when the trio got there y/n had to lead her brother and his friend to the classroom where the hellfire club was meeting because it was after school hours and the boys apparently felt unsafe

Upon entering the classroom full of d&d members she was practically forced into the seat inbetween Eddie and Gareth by the aforementioned boys Dustin and Mike . She was confused as to why someone had forced her on to this seat and why the one next to Eddie ' the freak ' Munson when Mike said she didn't even have to be present in the room

" You said I could wait in the car, you liar " she accused her brother

" We needed a sub and you wouldn't of done it if I actually asked you " he admitted with a shrug

" I don't even know how to play "

" It's just strip D&D , but without the stripping " Eddie explained

" Oh , yeah I can play "

" Since when do you play strip D&D?" Her brother asked with wide eyes

"Do you remember all those times I came home late and you covered for me ? "

"I just assumed you were with Robin or Steve , not stripping "

" I wasn't the one stripping most of the time " she laughed as she made eye contact with Eddie as he rolled his eyes

"Lovely conversation, but can we actually play some D&D now ? " Eddie said as he stood up out of his chair to make sure he was heard

There was a handful of times when y/n did have to be reminded that this was just a normal game and to not take her clothes off or shout at other people to especially when they are the games master and supposed enemies

"For the last time this is a normal game , stop trying to take your shirt off " Gareth intervened

"I'm the games master, my shirt isn't coming off " Eddie scolded

"For people who don't like each other , you're pretty eager to strip for each other " Dustin spoke as the two were just staring at each other a grin pulling at their lips

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