neck holding pt.2 J.Q

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Even though some of you already guessed the plot, here is part 2 of the last imagine

Warnings:sex tape jokes , talks about sex tapes, talks about cumming, a heck of a lot of dialogue (I apologise) , wierd ending cause idk how to end stuff , not proofread

Wc:647 words

It had been a good 3 weeks since the Jimmy Fallon interview and things had been going great , the fans loved the interview and had no idea about the huge scandalous secret the couple were keeping behind a vault of passwords and encryptions

Well , that's what they thought anyway . It was no later than 4 am on a random tuesday in may when both Joe's and Y/n's phones were blowing up with notifications from every social media platform and every messaging service ever made

"If someone hasn't died I genuinely do not care" y/n groggily said cuddling further into her boyfriend as she tried to silence her phone

"As long as sex tape is safe I do not care" he responded with a light chuckle before going back to sleep

"Stop joking about that" she scorned too tired to slap him

It was an hour later when they both woke up , clearly something important was going down and they were not happy about it

"I think I might actually die" Y/n said as she sat up holding her phone in her hand waiting for Joseph to get  caught up

"That's not funny to joke about, who else am I going to film sex tapes with" he laughed snuggling his head into her legs

"Can you stop joking about that, this is serious" she said trying to kick him awake

"Not unless it's happened"

"Hate to be the bearer of bad news" as soon as the words left her lips his head shot up and he reached for his phone

"Its not even the good shots for fuck sake" he said with a straight face

"Its mainly your clenched ass cheeks so thankfully no one can see anything actually good"

"Why do they look like that my god"

"Never mind that , how are we supposed to get this down"

"Call our publicists or ignore it and hope it goes away"

"Much like your constant sex tape jokes , I don't think this will ever go away"

"They are funny you have to admit" he laughed as he tried not to fall asleep

"1) they were the first few times and 2) how are you still tired"

"Because you and me had quite a long night and I'm not fully recovered"

"You shouldn't of attempted the hard just dance dances then" she laughed at the memory of him dancing horribly along to the screen

"We played it so much on set , I don't know how I'm so bad now"

"You were always bad" she joked as he tried (and failed) to tickle her as punishment

"Not my fault you have every dance memorized"

The next morning when they woke up , the news was obviously still floating around but it was mostly positive and just poking fun of joe's ass cause that's the only thing you could see in the scene that got leaked

"Why couldn't a scene where you look ugly get leaked , it's all about me" he practically cried to his girlfriend while waiting for his publicist to get back to him

"You just look bad because you're literally cumming and no one looks pretty doing that" she said trying to make him feel better

"You do" he said complimenting her

"Flattery will not make me leak my scenes" she pointed an accusing finger at him

"Was worth a shot" he shrugged as he called his publicist once again

Thankfully it all blew over in just under two weeks because of some new internet scandal , but that didn't stop some very awkward interview questions every once and a while

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