Caught E.M

4.7K 92 12

This once again hasn't been proofread or edited
This does contain sexual themes and curse words

Word count :1.3k words

Eddie Munson and Y/n Y/l/n didn't hate each other , they just disliked each other a lot . Atleat that's what they wanted everyone else to think they had actually been secretly dating for 4 months thanks to an angry love confession in the rain outside his trailer one night.

The hellfire club were in the middle of a game and it was clear that the flirty banter between the two was annoying everyone else and getting on their nerves .

" Why do you get to sit on the throne , you're not important " y/n practically spat at him

" I would let you take my place on the throne as you're the least important person in this room , but that skirt you're wearing is so short we'd all be able to see what you had for lunch " he grinned back

" Thought you liked me in short skirts? Or at least that's what you said last night " y/n smiled as the group as cheered for the comeback

" Can you two finally confess , I'm sick of this absolutely disgusting flirting all the time " Dustin spoke up

" Anyone with eyes can figure out that you like each other so just get together already " Mike agreed

" I'd rather pull my bottom lip over my forehead than ever date that thing " she grimaced

" Keep telling yourself that it might just come true " He winked

" Piss off Edward " she grumbled and tried to go back to the game

The pair didn't make any more comments for the remainder of the game , but did sneak glances every now and then which didn't go unnoticed by Dustin and Mike which just fueled the fire .

To make sure they didn't get caught being seen together after the successful d&d game y/n left and drove herself home and waited by the phone for Eddie to call and let her know the coast was clear and she could come over .

It took an hour or so before she got a call because it was his turn to pack the game up , plus he wanted some time to make the trailer look acceptable before she arrived .

Due to their suspicions Dustin and Mike had somehow persuaded Max to let them stay the night at her house as it was next to Eddie's trailer so it would be the perfect spot to see if anything was going on between the two .

When they arrived at the Mayfield residence Lucas answered the door which they were excited about because they didn't get to hang out as often anymore , but this did make it increasingly difficult to keep a look out as they were too busy talking and making jokes .

That was until they heard a car pull up outside so took position by the window so they could peek through the blinds at whoever was visiting the trailer park at this time of night .

Well everyone except Max were peering out the window as she heard this happen almost every night and was just background noise at this point .

" Is that y/n's car ? " questioned Dustin

" Is that y/n? " Mike asked

" Are y/n and eddie making out ? " Lucas said looking at the pair getting hot and heavy just barely in the door of the trailer

" Yes , yes , and yes they do this all the time " Max said continuing to read her magazine

" You knew about this ? " They all questioned almost in sync

" I live next to him it's difficult not to know " she responded laughing

" We need to confront them about it ,I knew they didn't actually hate each other " Mike said walking towards the front door as they all followed

" I wouldn't do that if I were you because in about 10 minutes you're gonna hear some sounds that no one wants to trust me " Max said as she barricaded the door making sure no one got out

" Fine , but tomorrow morning we're going to catch them out " Dustin said as he pointed an accusing finger at her .

Back at Eddie's trailer the young couple were doing the same thing they did every time y/n came over and they were laughing at how they even got away with hating each other at the d&d game

" Can't believe they still think we hate each other " Eddie laughed as he pulled his girlfriend into a kiss

" Pretty sure we could fuck on the table and they would think it would be out of hate " she laughed as she returned the kiss tangling her fingers in his hair

" Is that a challenge ? " he teased as they walked down the hallway to his bedroom

"Shut up and take me to bed Munson" the girl said with a beaming smile as she watched him crawl up the bed towards her before they reconnected their lips as they heavily made out groaning into each others mouths occasionally ( 🤷🏻‍♀️😳) .

The next day the couple were rudely awoken by a shit load of knocks on the door . Y/n just assumed that it was Eddie's uncle Wayne who always got back at this time so grabbed her underwear and her boyfriends oversized graphic tee he'd been stripped of the night before and went to unlock the door assuming he just forgot his key , but when she was met with the faces of : Dustin , Mike , Lucas , and Max looking shocked as they took in what she was wearing and where she was . She was so shocked so out of pure horror that she had been caught just slammed the door in the kid's faces and went back to the bedroom to not only put some trousers on , but also to hide from the group .

Obviously, the door slamming in their faces did not satisfy them so they knocked again and again until they were yet again met face to face with y/n this time with more clothes on , yet still a terrified look on her face which only worsened when they let themselves in , sat on the sofa ,and immediately started bombarding the poor girl with questions

"Are you and Eddie a thing because if you are you really should of hidden it better " Max said

" Why do you guys care so much?" The older girl asked as she stood in front of them with her arms crossed against her chest

"Because you two make it painfully obvious that you like each other and you'd be a cute couple " Dustin admitted

Y/n opened her mouth to respond, but was instead met by Eddie's booming voice as he walked down the hallway with the worst timing and trying to rub the remainder of sleep from his eyes so therefore not seeing the four children sat on his sofa , luckily he was suitably clothed .

" When I woke up you weren't there and I recall you promising me a round two before the campaign starts " he laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his head on her shoulder as he closed his eyes

This didn't last long as the trailer soon began to fill with sounds of fake gagging and " that's disgusting " , he also recieved a slap to the back of the head for being so oblivious

" The campaign doesn't start for another hour what are you guys doing here ? " Eddie asked

" we've just had to witness your disgusting comment and that's what you say " Max chided

" Didn't expect you buttheads to be here did I " he bit back

They all wanted this awfully awkward moment to be over quickly so just came right on out with the fact that they were dating so hopefully everyone could go home and forget what they just witnessed

" Yes , we're dating now I suggest you leave now before you actually witness something you will regret " Eddie said as he pulled his girlfriend in for their first kiss of the day while the group of friends darted out the door like their lives depended on it.

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