cuffed for a day pt2 E.M

1.5K 49 4

Apologies that this took so long , I've got like 5 other drafts coming soon , not proofread or edited

Warnins:sex , sexual positions , a crap load of dialogue, the over use of Gareth

Word count:1.2k words

The reactions from the hellfire club when they walked through the hallway wrist in wrist was almost worth the heartbreak they had endured

"Shocked you didn't saw your arm off" Dustin remarked

"Shocked you even made it through the night " Mike joined in

"Why do you guys look happy ? What did you two do ?" Gareth questioned

"Got high" y/n answered playing it safe

"Had sex" Eddie answered making everyone look at him with wide eyes

"He's kidding" she clarified hoping they'd believe her

When no one laughed and hellfire club started to walk away from them y/n and Eddie soon realised that they were screwed

How were they supposed to be handcuffed to each other until 8PM that night and expect no one to notice especially as they didn't sit next to each other in any classes and were known to not like each other

"Let's kill Mike later" Eddie said as they walked in to their english class hoping their sleeves were long enough to hide the handcuffs and just looked like they were just standing closely

"You better of brought the spare set of keys" Eddie whispered to her as they sat down

"Obviously , just remind me to put them back on before we see them next"

(Spoiler alert: they both forgot)

It was just before lunch and the new couple had spent the past 35 minutes making out,amongst other things,in a janitors closet Eddie had pulled Y/n into

The bell to announce lunch rang soon after because lets be honest time flies when you have someone's tongue down your throat so they ignored it for another 15 minutes

Because the two younger boys wanted them together so desperately they had been keeping a close eye on the two and were the first to realise that the handcuffs were no where to be seen when they got to the lunch table

"Can you just admit that you're together already"Dustin sighed as they walked over to the table

"You're delusional" y/n replied taking a seat next to Eddie at the head of the table

"You're on the wrong side of each other, not handcuffed , and the lipstick smeared on your neck says otherwise " Mike pointed out as Eddie tried to rid his neck of lipstick

"I'm not wearing lipstick, you can stop doing that" y/n intervened before he rubbed himself raw

"You're still wearing that fruity lip gloss and that shit is like glitter" he laughed

"You two are sickening, and absolute idiots" Gareth poked fun at the couple

"How are we the idiots?" Y/n asked

"You just confessed to making out , you've been making googly eyes at each other since you got to school , AND I sit next to you in English " Gareth answered

"So no proof then" Eddie laughed as he pulled his girlfriend closer to him by her waist

"Are you forgetting I'm the only one who knows about your previous relationship?" Gareth threatened

"You wouldn't dare"y/n pointed an accusing finger at him

"Try me" he sassily replied

Before anyone could take him up on the offer or blackmail him out of it the bell sounded indicating they had to actually learn now instead of gossiping

For the majority of their next lesson together Eddie and Y/n were trying to figure out why if Gareth was sat next to them why did he not stop them from having their vulgar conversation about the night before or leaving

Also what would he get out of spilling the fact that they were in a relationship well they weren't in a relationship they were just having sex at every opportunity

Eddie felt himself grinning like a fool when he realised that if they didn't confess until the d&d game tonight then they could go to his trailer until 8PM, a whole 5 hours of getting hot and heavy with no interruptions

This obviously didn't go unnoticed by the girl who was ogling him and trying not to get hot and bothered in the back of a science class or at school in general

"What are you grinning at?" She asked trying not to make it obvious that she was having wild thoughts

"Just thinking about how we have five hours of being alone after this"

"Could you of told me that maybe after the science class I'm not paying attention to , I am definitely not paying attention now"

"There's only like fifteen minutes left , I'm sure you can handle it , then we can do whatever you want for the first hour and a half" he persuaded

"Make it the first hour and thirty six minutes and you have yourself a deal" she tried to negotiate

"Pretty in pink? Seriously we saw that last night" he complained

"We did not watch it , it was in the background and I was facing the other way" she sighed

"You were facing me which is like a million times better , plus I saw it and it wasn't worth it" he bragged

"You made me watch every second of weird science when it came out , that's not fair" she sulked

"I'm sure you'll make me watch it tonight no matter what I say"

After the boring science class , they went back to the Munson residence and instead of y/n facing her new boyfriend while riding him , she faced the other way via reverse cowgirl and watched the film she actually wanted before he put on some scary movie while she fell asleep for a power nap until they were ready for round two

Five hours , and countless contorting sex positions later the pair arrived at the hellfire club meeting cuffed for hopefully what was the last time

"You can either confess or you can wait until this is over and break free" Mike proposed

"I say you do it now before he does" Dustin said pointing at Gareth

"Fine , we're together" y/n grumbled

"Don't sound too happy" Eddie joked as almost everyone in the room cheered

"I knew you liked each other , how did it happen?"

"Not an appropriate story for you two sorry" y/n said trying to give away any unneeded details

"They were friends with benefits for like five months until he broke it off two months ago because he caught feelings, then they hated each other and then you two did that and they slept together again and confessed" Gareth said pointing

"Seriously dude what is wrong with you" y/n accused

"Wait , was that you in his trailer all those times?" Dustin asked

"What times?" Eddie replied

"The times we went looking for your handcuffs because you two were flirting but wouldn't confess" Mike answered

"Yeah that was us , they were probably in use so that's why you couldn't find them" Eddie shrugged as if she said nothing wrong while y/n slapped him with her available hand

"I'm asking no further questions, I'm just glad you two are finally in a relationship" Dustin stated as Mike feverishly shook his head in agreement

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