neck holding J.Q

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So sorry for not being active, it's been a weird couple of months , also thank you for 60k reads that's absolutely crazy

This was an anonymous request based off of those phoebe bridgers/paul mescal pictures where he has his hand around the back of her neck

Warnings:not proofread, overuse of jimmy , a lot of dialogue (I'm lazy) , a mention of a sex tape at the very end

Wc:826 words

"What embarrassing paparazzi photo do you think we're going to have to explain?" Y/n said to her boyfriend backstage at the Jimmy Fallon show

"Don't jinx it , it'll probably be something really bad now you've said that" he said as they both laughed

It was their first talk show appearance together since announcing their relationship and they knew Jimmy and countless other talk show hosts always tried to embarrass couples that came on their shows , so they were trying to be as prepared as possible

"We haven't been caught doing anything bad yet so it'll be fine , hopefully" she said hesitating at the end

"What do you mean yet , are you planning some exhibitionism anytime soon?" He half questioned half joked

"Yeah , are you free tomorrow at 3?" She asked going along with him

"No , but I think Joe #1 is "

"Oh I know he is , I was going to ask you to film" she joked as he stood there with a straight face

"Don't joke about that" he said with a sad face

Y/n was unable to respond as they were being ushered onto the stage by someone who worked there and almost blinded by the bright lights

"Please welcome Hollywood's hottest new couple Joseph Quinn and Y/n Y/l/n" Jimmy announced as the crowd applauded

"Thank you so much for having us jimmy" joe said after waving to the crowd and sitting down

"It's a pleasure to have you both here"
Jimmy responded starting the interview and talking about stranger things and whatnot

Y/n zoned out for most of the beginning and let the man beside her talk for her because it was mostly to do with him anyway

Well that was until their joke became not a joke anymore

"Now that the press stuff is out of the way I just wanted to ask you guys if you could explain this odd couple thing you do when in public"

"Oh god" Y/n whispered into her microphone as she slid down her chair trying to hide in hopes no one would see her and move on

"As far as I'm aware we don't do anything weird in public so I'm intrigued to say the least" Joseph said erupting a laugh from the crowd

"I know what it is and it's not even that interesting of a story sorry to tell you" Y/n spoke up as Jimmy reached for his giant printed out photos under his desk

"Do these ring a bell Joseph?" Jimmy joked as he held up atleast four photos of the pair on the street where they were walking along the street as you do but Joseph was behind Y/n and he had his hand cupping the back of her neck

"Oh yeah that, I remember now" he said scratching the back of his neck as if he'd been caught out doing something scandalous

"Do you want me to tell it or you?" Y/n said as she turned to her boyfriend

"Feel like I've done a lot of the talking tonight so it's your turn" he said laughing

"Okay so basically we were at some airport in America I think and the crowds there get so big and scary and one time joe was behind me and o tried to grab his hand to lead him through all these people , but grabbed some random mans hand and had to meet joe once we were out of the airport. So we came up with the whole neck holding thing because you can't mess up a neck for a hand , but we have to go through so many crowds that we just end up doing it randomly out of habit" she explained as everyone eagerly listened

"What she doesn't mention is that she didn't realise it wasn't me until about 10 minutes after she had gotten out of the crowd" Joe said as once again everyone laughed

"I felt bad so I took him to a cafe for a coffee and we're still friends to everything worked out" she explained trying not to flush a pink out of embarrassment from the memory

After a few more jokes about the awkward interaction and a couple more topics the show came to a close and they found themselves backstage yet again

"I told you it wouldn't be anything bad" y/n said to her boyfriend as he sat on the plush sofa

"Only because our sex tape is impossible to get to" he said hoping anyone who could hear them thought it was a joke

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