Death E.M

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As you probably guessed from the title this is a sad Eddie one

⚠️ vol 2 spoilers ahead⚠️

I've written this like 4 times and it still doesn't feel right so bear with it , again not edited or proofread

Word count :1.2k words

Y/n and Dustin stood there shocked as Eddie ran out of the trailer door to do God knows what

When Dustin then tried to follow suit the older girl lunged towards the door and barricaded it to make sure he couldn't get out and cause himself some serious injury or even possible death

" We can't let him die out there y/n , we need to follow him" Dustin pleaded with her trying to get her to move

" He'll be fine he has weapons and a bike "

" I have weapons and a bike "

" He's older than you "

" I'm more experienced " the two bickered back and forth

" I don't care you're not leaving this trailer and that's final " she declared as the young boy pouted and tried to escape out of the window which was proved unsuccessful

"We have to go with him , he'll die out there "

"Fine , but stay close and don't do anything that would get you killed "

The two headed out of the trailer and peddled as fast as their legs could take them until they saw the familiar boy laying on the floor

" Don't you dare be dead " she said as she sat down and pulled him onto her lap

" I'm not I just need a second to catch my breath "

It broke her and Dustin's hearts to hear him try and convince not only himself , but the people he loved most that he just needed a second and was going to be completely fine .

" Steve said don't try and be a hero and what do you go and do ? Run off and try and be the fucking hero. Where's that got you now Eddie ? Oh that's right coughing up blood and most likely about to die because you wanted to be a macho man " y/n vented

" Woah lay off man , we would've died if he didn't distract the bats " Dustin intervened

" Sorry , but I'm not exactly ready to lose my boyfriend to some scrotum looking creature when he's finally meant to graduate and get on with his life "

" I'll be fine y/n I just need a second " Eddie tried to reassure

" You need a lot more than a second Ed , you'd need a miracle to be able to walk out of here alive "

" I just wanted to make you proud " he whimpered trying not to choke on all the blood in his throat

" Are you blind ? I am proud of you , you're not afraid of anyone or anything you have a cool band you have amazing friends you're caring and kind just because you've never slayed a dragon in real life doesn't mean I'm not proud of you "

" I didn't run this time though I always run " he tried to laugh but it came out more as a spluttering cough

" Running from a problem isn't weak or cowardly, it's an intelligent thing to do to keep yourself alive and safe "

" I ran from chrissy , Jason , and those dickhead bats "

" If you hadn't have run then you would've died and missed so many moments and memories and we all would've been a mess without you "

" Especially me and y/n , we begged Steve to be paired with you because we didn't know if anyone else could actually pull this off "

" You know I love you guys right "

" love you too , man "

" love you too " she managed to tell him before his body went limp and his eyes closed

"Eddie? No no no " Dustin panicked as he tried to shake the boy to see if he was going to wake up

" This isn't funny " she said as she laid her boyfriend on the ground minding the vines and started trying to give him CPR

" We need Steve " y/n said as she turned to Dustin still keeping in time with the chest compressions

" For what ? You look like you know cpr " he said getting his walkie talkie out and trying to get a hold of anyone

"We can't carry him out of here by ourselves "

She kept doing chest compressions and going through the 7 steps of cpr even after she heard and felt his ribs crack and she knew he was gone , but she was hoping for a miracle that would bring him back to her . Even as she sobbed into his lifeless chest she was in denial that he was actually gone and this was some stupid joke they would argue about later

"Y/n he's not coming back with us "

" What he has to ? He deserves a funeral "

Even as Dustin had to physically drag her away from her dead boyfriend's body and she wept like a baby she tried to escape his grasp and go back for him so he wasn't left somewhere he didn't want to be in the first place and hated. He deserved to be able to rest peacefully in the town that hated him that he sacrificed himself for because that's how good of a person he was , he was willing to sacrifice himself for a town that was full of people who hated him and made him out to be a murderer when he was the most innocent one there

Going back to Eddie's trailer was surreal it didn't feel like that was his home filled with all his things , it felt like nothing meant anything and it was all a thing of the past simply remnants of a memory . It was however where y/n spent most of the next two weeks specifically in the bed that still smelled like him and provided the same warmth he did

Her being there did however mean she would have to explain what happened to Eddie to his uncle, but she couldn't do it without choking up so Dustin told him at the school where the donations for Hawkins were being held due to the recent "earthquake" . This didn't stop his uncle Wayne from putting up missing posters even when they got vandalised and torn down

They never did find his body , but that didn't stop y/n from creating a makeshift headstone and talking to it as if Eddie lay beneath it and could hear her

"I'm sorry for what I said about you being stupid and not listening to Steve I was just scared of losing you and I wasn't ready, you did the right thing and I shouldn't of been mad . Me and Dustin are an absolute mess right now and we can't cope with everyone pretending like you didn't die and people keep asking me out on dates because they think we broke up and I have to make up some shitty excuse because how am I supposed to tell them that I'll never love again and that theres no point in me dating anyone else because I've found my soulmate and that's enough for me . I can't believe I was gullible enough to think that a miracle would of saved you when the real miracle was you being mine in the first place. " She said as she stood back from the headstone so Dustin could lay a bouquet of flowers on it as he said a few tearful words of his own .

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