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I completely forgot about this draft and I thought it was a little funny so here it is , my first smut so be prepared

Warnings: talk about sex, depictions of sex , joking around about abuse , a crap ton of dialogue ( it's me afterall)
Use of the made up word 'sexury' . I think that's it let me know if I missed anything

Wc:740 words

Not proofread or edited

The first thing Y/n and Eddie heard when they met up with the rest of the gang at school on a Monday was at least a million questions about how the aforementioned female had obtained a head injury over the weekend

Truth be told the group of kids definitely didn't need to know the truth , but they also didn't know how to lie about it

"It's a sexury" Eddie laughed replaying the memory

"A what?" Dustin questioned

"A sex injury" the dungeon master responded

"Ew gross" mike responded shortly after

"How do you get injured are you not on a bed?" Gareth asked

A chorus of 'don't answer that' followed soon after

"You can't go around telling them about you're sex life , they're barely 14" Y/n scolded her boyfriend as they walked away to go to home room

"You have to admit it's funny" he said recalling the memory of that past saturday

It was a late saturday night , wayne was busy with the night shift so the young couple had the whole trailer to their selves and they planned to abuse that privilege

They started off in the bedroom like they always do and were planning on working their way out to the kitchen and so forth , but that plan was cut short

Y/n was face down on the mattress trying to turn her head sideways to let some air into her lungs as her boyfriend rather harshly ( not that she minded) pounded into her from his place behind her

Her attempting to breathe deeper was clearly aggravating to Eddie who just wanted to let some of his anger out( with the help of his girlfriend) and he didn't like that very much so grabbed a fistful of her hair in hopes of just guiding her face back into the soft cotton of his pillowcase

However, she was feeling extra annoying and was trying to go against where his hand was guiding her head, but overestimated how strong he was

The push and pull didn't last very long and soon enough y/n's head collided with the corner of his nightstand

"Oh my god I'm so sorry I didn't mean it" Eddie stopped his thrusts as his hand stilled against her head

"I'm sorry I thought you were stronger than you are" she laughed pressing her fingers against her head and seeing the blood on them

"People are going to think I hurt women , let me get you a tissue" he said not even bothering to put any clothes on as he practically ran out of the room

"Why are you freaking out more than me?" She laughed when he came back in the room and attempted to clean the wound

"You freaked out so much when it happened, thought you were going to start crying"

"I was worried you had hurt yourself, clearly I should have made you hit your head harder" he laughed ruffling her hair

"How many times do I have to tell you it wasn't your fault , that night was a mess"she laughed remembering it

"Still doesn't beat when I got that leg cramp and you did actually cry, that was hilarious" she laughed at him as he stared blankly back at her

"You used the safe word , I thought something bad had happened , I mean that was like 2 days after the wrong hole incident" he said with genuine terror in his eyes

"Can you guys stop talking for the love of god" lucas said suddenly appearing behind them

"Why are you following us?" Y/n asked genuinely concerned for the young kids being traumatised

"We have home room next to each other same as every other day" Gareth laughed at their stupidity

"That sexury is really messing with your brain, how deep is that gash" Dustin joked

"I hate you all , don't bother sitting with us at lunch" Y/n tried to joke but just ended up laughing halfway through

"You better count yourself lucky that we're so nice after what we heard back there" mike pointed out

"You wouldn't dare" Eddie pointed an accusing finger at him

"Try us" lucas backed him up

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