Jealous J.Q

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This was a request by Joseph_Quinn_fan, I apologise if this isn't exactly what you wanted it's my first time writing this type of imagine , not proofread

Word count :764

It was hard enough already having a toddler, but adding another kid into the mix was a whole other thing

Y/n and Joseph's toddler ,Lily , was clearly jealous of the attention the new baby was getting . They first noticed this jealousy when they announced they were having another kid , she sat in the corner with a scowl on her little face and sulked because the attention wasn't solely on her anymore

Then at the gender reveal she started crying when everyone found out it was a boy because she wanted a sister . Y/n and Joseph did pick up on this , but thought Lily would outgrow this jealous phase before their son came around

When Lily started sulking all day long and was just moping around the house 24/7 like she was experiencing a harsh breakup

This time at the baby shower they tried to interact and give Lily as much attention as they could so she wouldn't act out or get jealous like she had been doing so much lately

Both parents tried to tell her that having a sibling was fun and not torture like she was making it seem and that she'll enjoy it once he's born , but Lily was having none of it and it went in one ear and out the other as she carried on playing with whatever toy was in her hand

"Should we of discussed this with her before hand ? " Y/n asked Joseph a slight uneasiness in her voice

"She'll be fine , I've heard this happen so many times and they end up loving them , it's just a phase "

"What if it's not a phase and she hates them and us for the rest of her life ?" Y/n yet again questioned

" It'll be fine love, stop worrying "

It was in fact not fine and they couldn't of been more wrong

After the birth of their son ,Devan, they wanted to introduce the two as early as they could so Lily could see that having a sibling wasn't so bad

However , as soon as she saw the blanket wrapped baby in her mum's arms she immediately started wailing and trying to swat at it

This ended with Lily having to look at her brother from a distance and her having to promised to not intentionally hurt him

"I told you she'd hate him "y/n said to her husband who was holding their newborn

"She doesn't hate him she's just not used to him"

"Her wailing and trying to hit him to me sounds like she hates him"

"She promised she wouldn't do it again so dont worry about it "

"You promised you wouldn't do anymore roles that didn't have a sad ending and where did that get you " she bit back

"That's different, they're my favourite to film"

Over the next few days they tried to introduce the new siblings to each other without Lily getting violent , but that worked probably about 1% of the time

Nothing was working it just seemed as if she hated him more and more every day and it felt like a lost cause . So they just decided to ask her what the issue with Devan was

"Hey Lily , can we have a chat with you ? " Joseph asked as he and his wife walked into their daughters

"Yeah , sure what's up " she said putting down the pony she was previously playing with

"Me and Mum just wanted to talk to you about how you're treating Devan" he said as both parents crouched infornt of her


"Your little brother that you seem to hate "

"Oh , him" she said with a grimace

"Yeah , we've noticed that you've been acting mean towards him and just want to know why "

"Feels like you don't love me anymore"

"Of course we love you , why would you say that ?"Joseph asked

"Devan gets all your attention and not me "

"That doesn't mean we don't love you ,Devan just can't do things on his own like you can " she explained

"So you still love me ? Devan just needs extra help"

"Exactly" Joseph said as he initiated a group hug between the three

After that talk Lily still got jealous from time to time , but instead chose to take it in her stride instead of sulking

By time Devan was 4 months old Lily was his biggest fan and they got along great , just as Joseph kept saying.

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