A special D&D game E.M

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I don't like the ending to this , but it's been sat in my drafts for too long so here it is unedited and not proof read

Word count: 1.1k

Warnings: None (that I can think of)

Will Byers had had a particularly bad day at school that day and was hoping his friend Mike Wheeler would cheer him up ,over the phone of course

When the ringing lasted longer than usual he just assumed that he couldn't hear it or that he was now coming to pick it up , but it kept ringing and ringing and ringing

The poor bowl cut having boy stood in his kitchen patiently waiting for his secret crush and best friend on the other end to pick up , but it was obvious he wasn't there

Karen Wheeler eventually picked up the noisy phone wondering who on earth was calling this many times

"Hello?" She asked sweetly with a hint of curiosity

"Oh hi Mrs Wheeler , it's Will , is Mike there?"

"He's at a D&D game right now , is there a message you want me to pass on ?"

"Oh no that's fine , just let him know I called if that's okay" he spoke the sadness evident in his voice as he tried not to cry over the fact that Mike never really wanted to play D&D while was still in Hawkins

Karen kept talking on the other line asking him how California was treating the Byers family , but he couldn't focus on her voice at that moment in time only the sound of his heart breaking in his chest at the betrayal

Eventually she got the hint that he wasn't interested said her goodbyes and hung up

Will's knees began to buckle and soon enough he was sliding down the wall clutching the phone to his chest as he sob

"Why was Mike now interested in D&D after he left? He made it pretty crystal clear that he was more interested in girls than some stupid game in a basement" he thought as he put his head in his hands

That was the last time he tried calling the Wheeler's because what was the point if he's stabbed him in the back and was clearly not interested in him anymore

When Mike got back from the D&D game his mother did inform him about how sad Will sounded when she told him about hellfire club

Y/n heard through the grapevine ( she was eavesdropping on the other side of Dustin's door) and decided to try and hopefully get her dungeon master boyfriend Eddie Munson to try and cheer Will up because he was like a younger brother to her and she believed that he didn't deserve all he's been put through

She wasted no time in recruiting the metal head in her plan to cheer the boy up

"Hey quick question, can you play a D&D game over the phone?" Y/n wasted no time in getting to the point

"Yeah I guess so it would be harder but not impossible , why?" Eddie answered being used to his girlfriend asking him random questions

"Its a long story that I'll tell you later, but Mike upset his friend Will because he was at hellfire and Mike used to ditch D&D to hangout with his girlfriend" she rambled trying to fit a lot of information in the least time she could

"That's a douche move even for Mike"

"Yeah , so would you be able to call Will and play a game with him then? It would really cheer him up"she said using a sugary sweet voice to hopefully coax him into her plan

"I'm all for it , he seems like a good kid I just need to know if he has a campaign or not"

"I'll ask and let you know, and seriously thank you for doing this"

"I can tell how much he means to you and I'd definitely lose brownie points if I didn't" he joked

Within the next 2 hours the details were all ironed out and the two were about to meet via phone call

Eddie was excited because y/n had described Will as one of the best people on Earth , which truth be told he was , and because playing a game over the phone was a first for him

So he wasted no time in dialing the number y/n gave him while she anxiously sat beside him

"Hello?" Jonathan spoke obviosly high which confused both of them

"I think you forgot to mention the part where Will was a massive stoner" Eddie remarked as he covered the receiver

"Hi , it's me Y/n , is Will there ?" She asked

"Yeah let me go get him" he answered tripping over almost everything on the way to the boys room

"Hey Y/n what's up?" The younger boy said trying not to be excited

"I heard about how Mike was being a bit mean and got you a surprise I hope you'll like" she said the smile evident on her face

"I don't know what changed he never used to be this uncaring, but you didn't have to surprise me with anything"

" It's no big deal don't worry bowl cut"

"I told you not to call me that anymore" he laughed

"Hey Will , I'm Eddie a dungeon master and Y/n told me what happened to I'm here to play a game of d&d with you over the phone, if that's okay with you?" Eddie explained

"You'd do that for me?" Will asked skeptically

"I'd never say no to playing a game of d&d especially in a new way" Eddie replied genuinely

Not long after the introductions , they got to playing and once they started they didn't want to stop

Both boys were having so much fun and y/n was having fun listening to them getting on so well that time was flying by and Will didn't even realise that Joyce was already home from work

"Who is it ?" She mouthed

"Y/n's friend Eddie" he mouthed back

Joyce didn't actually care who was on the phone she was just curious who was making her son so happy after he sobbed into her shoulder the night before about how life was unfair

"Can you tell y/n I said thank you for doing this?" Will asked just before he was going to hang up

"I'll let her know don't worry"

"And thank you as well for doing it"

"It was my pleasure"

After this incident, it became a routine to have one game over the phone a week and just vent about the week they'd both had

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