Chapter 22: Day One pt 3 The Date

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Xavier drove until we got to our destination, he stopped the engine as I untangled my arms from around his waist, I hand him the helmet after he takes his off.
I have no idea where we were. We were standing in front of what seemed to be a forest.

"This land has been in my family for generations" he says as he grabs my hand and leads me through the trees, revealing a sight before me I would have never imagined.
In front of me seems to be a small lake, a waterfall in front of a small cave.
We walk on the side of the waterfall and into the cave, inside was amazing, there were generators inside which ignited little white Christmas lights, with a small picnic and what seemed to be wine, there was a hole in the ceiling of the Cave revealing the stars.

He leads me to the blanket were we take a seat on the ground.
"The day I kidnapped you wasn't the first day I met you..." He admits.
"The first day I met you was when you were talking to your friend in the grass at the park, I was in New Jersey for an Alpha Meeting and the Alpha of that state wanted to go to the Park so we can talk as his children played. You were sitting on the grass with ice cream talking about the stars, and how much you wanted to be a teacher and food. God you love food." I continue to stare at him trying to remember the day "it started to rain. A sun shower, but as your friend started to cover her head you looked up to the sky and smiled." I walked up to you guys and gave your friend the umbrella I had, but you never took your eyes off the sky and your friend said:
'She loves nature, and the rain. Mostly the rain, I think she's going to get sick but I don't think she cares'
That was in September, I walked away watching and listening from a distance" I remembered the day, that was the day I was telling Sheila I was leaving. "You were staring at the sky so intensely and smiling people would've thought you were happy, but more I watched you I saw how forced it was, and how the rain hid the tears running down your face. You never looked to your friend when you said:
'Shelly, I'm leaving. When schools up, I'm leaving. If I stare here, I don't know if I'll ever be okay, and the more I stay here the more pain I'm in. I'm trying to be okay, but I need a new chance. I'm so sorry to be leaving you, but Shelly, I want a chance to live, the more I stay here I want to die, I want to stop self harming, I want to be okay.'
And you finally looked to your friend, and you said something even worse then what you said before, something that broke my heart just hearing you admit:
'What's the point in living a life you don't believe is worth it? Shelly I'm either going to leave of I'm going to kill myself here, you can't fix me, I'm pretty fucked up... Shelly if I stay here... I. Will. Die.'
That moment something happened to me and my wolf, I didn't know what at the moment, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. I couldn't get you out of my mind, and that to me made no sense, you couldn't have been my mate you were human and I doubt you were eighteen then, but I wanted to protect you -no, I needed to protect you. I had to, I didn't care if I had a mate out there, I just wanted to protect you. The only thing was I didn't know how. So once high school was finished here I stayed in the Alpha's territory looking for you, wondering if I was too late. Then one day, I had the need to go get McDonalds for some reason, so me and the boys went, and there you were standing there with a duffle bag in your hand, and then your scent hit me, and I couldn't believe it, you were my mate. Jacob is the gamma so he had chloroform in his bag for any werewolf that was out of control. So I chloroformed you, I don't know why but I did, I explained to the boys after I put you in the car who you were to me. What you meant to me. Just don't think I wanted to be with you out of the mate bond, it was before that. Before you even meet me, I've always wanted to protect you." He stares me dead in the eyes, I didn't know that. So him being in New Jersey wasn't a coincidence, he was looking for me.
He started unpacking the food, fruits, and cups.
He poured the wine into both of our glasses "Shhh, it will be our little secret." He winked.
We ate and talked, we talked about everything and nothing at all, what I liked, what he liked. Fears and beliefs. We talked about the stars and the moon and the plants and everyplace I wanted to see in the world. We talked about his mom, and how he didn't think he had a mate, we talked about everything you could possible think about, staring up at the stars. We talked about Shelly, and life, we didn't talk about my nightmares. But we talked for what was hours, we talked about everything you could think of, and nothing that made any sense.
I was drifting off to sleep when I heard him say:
"I can give you the world, if you just let me. Just please give me a chance."

And I wanted nothing more to do that, but he couldn't know that.

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