Chapter 56: Not How It Was Meant To Be (part 3)

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"We will take the car, you guys take the plane." Xavier said to everyone, yet everyone hated the fact that their Alpha and Luna would be in a car- with no protection driving to Oregon, while everyone else is taking the plane. But Xavier never leaves any room for argument.

32 minutes  later 

It was a silent car ride, we had music yes, but you could feel the tension and I wasn't quite sure why.
He didn't even glance at me, when I got the hotel all he said was "pack". 

He pulled over, we were taking a back-road, so nothing was in sight. He looked at me.
"Let me explain something Ace, that mark on your left side of your collarbone means you are marked. It shows my initials does it not? If you truly were not my mate- that would be two little holes. But do you know the meaning of that fucking mark?!" His voice raised. "It means- by fate's design- you are mine. And that mark-" his voiced raised even more  "goes both ways! If you cheat on me- whether you fuck someone or just kiss them, I would fucking know."

Oh. Shit. 

"So be fucking honest with me- what the fuck did you and Rob do in that goddamn forest." He glared at me- and I was terrified and very fucking pissed. 

"YOU COULD'VE FOOLED ME!" He growled. 
my knuckles ached and were still swollen hiding in my pocket. I pulled my hand out and showed it as I yelled: "HE KISSED ME SO I PUNCHED HIM IN THE THROAT! FUCKING DOUCHE! THIS ISN'T HOW IT'S MEANT TO BE.  DICK!!!!" I unbuckled the seat belt and got out the car. I walked two feet before I heard the door open. I didn't keep walking, I just sat down on the curb of the back-road. 
Xavier sat down next to me- we said nothing, I didn't look at him. I didn't even glance. We sat in this silence, and it was deafening. 

"I felt this burning on my lips- it wasn't painful but it was uncomfortable- and I knew you kissed him-"
"He kissed me."

"He kissed you- and I just thought about the whole werewolf and human thing..." he sighed "...and when I did I thought about what would happen if you didn't feel the bond. Like we talk and we watch movies, we go on dates, we cook dinner together, we sleep in the same bed, and to me it seems like we've been together for forever, but yet not long enough. But to you it can seem like a month, and just a month. I don't know how you see me- I mean think about it Ace, you're all I got and all I need. I have the pack, and yeah I've got my sister, but by fate's design the only one thing I need to survive- is you. And I don't get it either to be honest. 

"How could I breathe without you? It's like I didn't even live before you, it's like-" He stopped, I could feel him looking at me- but I continued to look straight. "nothing compares to you. The way you talk, laugh, the way you say my name, dammit girl the way you think, it's like everything you do surprises me. The guy who took your virginity and broke your heart, the guy you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, they guy you felt the safest with- the guy who knew you- even in your worst state, shows up proclaims his love and you didn't even bat an eye. You punched him and came to me. And here I am being a total douche to you, and you've done not a damn wrong thing. It surprises me. 

"It's like dammit girl, it's killing me. The what if's. What if you don't feel the bond? Hell what if you don't feel anything for me at all? What if we don't work? What if you leave? What if you never come to love me? What if you hate me. What if-" 
"What if you shut up." I interrupted, I looked at Xavier, as he stared at me. "What if you shut up." I say again with a smirk on my face. "I hate being doubted, I want to be here so just shut up." A small smile appearing on my face, he smiled back. 

"My heart is true Ace, I really do love you, fuck it I really am in love with you, but you don't have to say it back, you will never be forced to give me an answer babe, you don't like having emotions, and I get that- you also never talk about them because you can never find the right words. But babe- I know you love me- if you didn't you would've kept walking." He smiled this boyish smile. 

"Just shut up and kiss me already lover boy." I say and smile, he looks at me and laughs. He brings his lips to mine, and we both smile. 

This is how it's meant to be, isn't it? 
Because it sure as hell feels like it. 

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