Chapter 51: Flashback

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Xavier's reaction wasn't one I had ever seen before. He wasn't angry. He looked Rob up and down and he just chuckled and shook his head. He then did that boy-ish slick smile of his, looked at Rob and spoke.

"You're Rob? Awe man bro- no wonder you fucked shit up." He laughed- hard. "Thanks bro, you honestly did us a favor. You let her go- and by fates design she became mine." Xavier looked down at me "Too bad you didn't see the stars in her eyes."

That hit a nerve. Because the last time Rob and I spoke. He apologized


"I'm sorry about taking your virginity and not staying" Robs messaged appeared to me. It has been exactly 25 days after we broke up, and he already had a new girlfriend.

"It doesn't matter anymore, what's done is done, don't dwell on the past." My heart ached. My body shaking.

"It doesn't matter anymore right."

"I don't regret it, and I don't hate you, just let the past stay in the past."

"Oh I really don't care if you hate me or not, I don't care how you feel."

"Then whats the point in apologizing, why even say sorry? To make yourself feel better because you feel bad about it? How the hell is that an apology."

"I don't feel bad, I don't feel anything anymore, I just did it because it was the right thing to do. I'm just gonna focus on whats right for me and school."

"Okay, that's not my fault you turned your emotions off. You told me if I ever truly loved you I would never turn my emotions off again- even if he had broken up. And I didn't, because as stupid as it sounds I feel as if I'll betray you."

"So it makes me a hypocrite, huh."

"No, it makes what I was taught right. If I taught you to do anything for the person you love- then you taught me that love was not true. You taught me that it was just sex, because if I put any meaning behind it- I'll be dwelling on the past, and I'm so sick of being sad over this petty ass shit. Wait do you even know my favorite color?"


"Yours is blue right?"

"Yes. I guess in the end you knew more about me."

"No it proves I was right."


"I certainly did love you more than you loved me. I deserve someone who can see stars in my eyes, not someone to cheat on me and lie to me and disrespect me. Everyone is right I deserve someone who can see my worth. Because I am worth something, and it's not my fault you didn't see it."

"I warned you this was how I was."

"And I gave you a chance because I thought I saw light in your eyes, you can't seriously be blaming me for the fact that you fucked up?" and then I typed "It really doesn't matter anymore, whats done is done. I accept your apology goodbye."

"I wish you the best in life, I really do."

"Same to you"

"Thank you." I left his message on read, and I never replied back.

Present day-

Rob looked at me. He looked hurt and angry at the same time, but Xavier continued.

"It's wild actually, if you were to have kept her..."


The day he cheated on me for the first time and came to my house to apologize. After talking for 10 minutes he had to leave.

"Keep me then." I said.

"I will." He kisses my check, and leaves to catch the bus home.

Present day-

"...then maybe you guys would've lasted. Actually-" he chucked his dark chuckle "never-mind, she was just meant to be mine, and I would've gotten her one day. You just happened to make one day sooner than later."

With that being said- Xavier didn't give him a chance to reply. He picked me up bridal style, and said "And it will be me carrying her like this on our wedding day." and left.

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