Chapter One- Aria

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The club's lights burned my eyes to be honest, I was a little overwhelmed. I didn't even want to come out tonight, no Id rather sit on my bed, reading god knows what on wattpad. But instead, Romani wanted me here, she apparently needed me here. All I was doing was standing there waiting for a guy to approach her, and all the effort he gave into getting her number would be thrown away as he's always "too tall", "too short" or just not enough. Honestly, I think she's just not over her ex.

I felt bad, so I came out with her. The cocktail dress I wore, crept up my legs every so often. My self-conscious ass made sure to pull it down every five seconds. My heels were taller than I had expected, which helped to keep of where Romani's head was in the crowd.

I sit on the stool at the bar, exhausted already, its only been one fucking hour.

"Can I get you anything honey?" the bartender asks.

"The closest vodka in the closest shot glass please," she winked and moved to get my drink. I turned to see where Romani went, fuck where did she go. I couldn't see her box braids with lavender highlights. Fuck fuck fu-. My phone buzzed in my hand.

*Text From Romani*

Hey Girlie, I found some high school friends, I'll meet up with you in a bit.

Honestly this girl's priorities are something else. I love her though, she got me through everything, and here I am, happy as ever, aside from sitting at the bar alone. I turn back to the bar and sure enough, there was 2 shots in front of me.

"Um, sorry I only asked for one," I said to the bartender.

"That ones from me," a slightly high husky voice said from beside me. A man about my age was sitting next to me, smiling. He looked me over, from my ankles back up to my face, should I be worried, or was he genuine.

"Oh, um thank you." I say, taking my shot I ordered, not touching the one he got.

"First time in this bar beautiful?" His eyes twitched, his mouth dry. Something was off. He must of moved the stool closer to me, he was a little too close for my comfort.

"Yeah." I say not knowing what to do, I just want to be alone. His hand moves onto my knee, and starts gliding up my thigh. I try and move away a little but his hand kept going.

"Well sweetie, if you'd like, I could show you the place. Show you where the Good Spots are." He says.

"Oh, no thats ok. I need to meet with a friend anyways." I try standing up but he grabs my arm and forces me back down. His strength was tough, and he was determined.

"I don't see your friend, where are they exactly?" He says slowly standing. Shit this guy is big. Fuck. His hand is gripping my arm and the other gripping my waist.

"I- I um, its the owner, they own the bar." I blurt out, not knowing how to get out of his grip. He bends down to my level, his fingers tugging at the hem of my skirt.

"Oh is that so?" I tense, not knowing whether to scream for help or cry.

"It is, get your greasy ass hand off her." A deep stern voice behind me, sent shivers through my body. The guy holding me released his grip at the sight of the man behind me. I turned to look, and he was bigger that him.

"You better get out of my goddamn bar before I make this the worst night you've lived through." He says, moving to the side of me. The man doesn't back down.

"As if you own the bar man, now get out of my way." He was about to touch me again, when two men sat up from their stools behind the guy who owns the bar and grabbed the man by his shoulders.

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