Chapter Thirty Two- Aria

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My eyes open to a barley lit room. Silk blankets mixed with the softest fabrics surround me, keeping me warm. No one is in bed with me. 

My lower half hurts, and i can barely remember the rest of what happened last night. I see marks on my legs, and on my wrists. 

Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed sent such a shock of pain up my body, its going to be a struggle to walk.

Limping to the closet i grab and old button up shirt and throw it on. Luckily its a warm morning.

I open the door and listen to see where my men are. I can hear a faint whispering coming from down the hall in Dacre's room. Slowly walking over, my body not being able to catch up, i get closer to the open doored room.

"I understand that Aled, but what else are we supposed to do." Callum whispers. 

"I don't know Cal, its hard enough as it is that we can't tell her, and i hate her not knowing. The fact that she'll ask where one of us has gone will make it hard for me to lie. For us to lie." Aled explains.

"Worst comes to worst, we put her in a safe house, away from the three of us. We have a job to do, i love her. I don't want to love her dead body." Dacre whispers.

I step closer and the floor creaks. 

"Who's that?" Aled asks. I was about to respond before falling over. My legs betraying me.

Aled walks out to find me groaning on the floor. "Oh my fucking god! Are you ok princess?" He rushes to the floor and picks me up over his shoulder. I groan in response.

He puts my down on dacre's bedroom desk, wincing at the coldness of it. 

They all stare at me. Confused i look over at the body mirror to the right of me.

Holy Shit.

There was a mark around my neck, bite marks and hickeys covering my body, red hand marks along my ass, and the smallest amount of running mascara on my eyes. 

Callum's smirk alone made me want to moan. 

"God your so beautiful when you look like a brat" he smiles. 

"You didn't sleep with me?" i ask

"I did love. But i woke up and had to speak to Callum, sorry princess, i should have stayed." He kisses my cheek.

"what were you guys talking about?" I ask, Dacre looks at Callum.

"Nothing important sweetheart." Callum smiles. 

I look at him worried and he picks me up and carries me back to my room. 

"You should go back to sleep love, it's only 7 in the morning." He says placing me back down on the bed.

I look up at him sadly. "But i don't want to, i'm not tired, i want to stay with you."

"Beautiful i have work to do, your welcome to sit with me but it's vey boring."

I move onto my knees "Please daddy, i'll be good, i just want you..." i hesitate.

"What is it love?" He knows what i want, but again wants me to beg, to say the words and give him the satisfaction of knowing he makes me feel this way, makes me act submissive and obey him.

"I want you inside me. I want to sit with you and have you inside me whilst you do your work." His smirk appears again.

"That's a good girl." He caresses my face and picks me up again, i whimper in both pain and pleasure as I'm excited.

"Just hearing those noises from you makes me want to fuck you as hard as i did last night."

We get to his office and he puts me down standing up. He sits in his chair and unbuttons his pants.

"Take that shirt off, i want to see all of you." i do as he says. He gestures for me to straddle him, helping me onto him as i wince in pain.

"It's going to sting a little at first because we overstimulated you last night, ok? But it'll feel good afterwards i promise." I nod and he pulls down his boxers exposing his dick. He aligns it to my slit and slowly pushes it in.

I hiss at the pain and dig my fingers into his shoulders.

"Thats it good girl Aria" He gets all the way in and after a few seconds, the pain goes away.

I rest my head on his shoulder as small moans leave my lips, he rubs my back and kisses my neck in response. 

"she's such a good girl" i can hear Aled say from the door way.

"She really is" he says as he gently pushes me down more onto his dick, making me moan again. Both him and Aled chuckle in response which makes me smile and nuzzle my head more into him.

"Aww don't go all shy princess." Aled smiles. 

Callum strokes my hair and starts his computer work.

My eyes close and all i can feel is Callum.

Authors Note:

Hi Guys, again sorry for the long wait. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and lets see if you can guess where this is headed.

Love yous xx

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