Chapter Seven- Aria

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We head down to the kitchen, again the two men to my sides, this time Aled not having his hand on my back. I think what I did before caused it. Oopsie.

We enter the dinning room/ massive kitchen and Callum's already at the head of the table, like he was this morning.

"How was the gaming beautiful?" He says. How did he know?

"It was really fun," I could feel an unintentional blush cross my face. I sit in my seat and the two men sit in theirs.

I look at the empty table, a little confused.

"Oh did I forget to mention, lovely Marie has made a buffet for us on the kitchen counter." I look over to the counter and can already see the wide spread of dishes.

"Everything and anything" he says. "When your ready we can eat." He says. As soon as I stand they follow.

A stack of plates are set on the counter. Dacre picks one up and gives it to me. I can't help getting caught staring into his eyes for a moment.

The counter was covered in different meals, not like snacks, I mean meals.

Pastas, pizza, burger sliders, nachos, Indian curries. Everything.

They told me anything we don't eat will be saved so I can have it anytime I'm at home and I want food.

I put something called vodka pasta on my plate, along with garlic bread and a slider.

They all grab something different and follow me to the table.

"What drink would you all like?" Marie appears next to me, I almost jump out of my seat. I can see Aled holds back a laugh.

"Oh um, do you have any red wine?" I ask. She nods and runs off to a cabinet and grabs a bottle.

"And for the gentlemen?" She asks. They all say red wine too. She pours the wine and leaves into the kitchen.

We all eat in silence, it was comfortable at first, but then grew awkward.

"So Aria, is there anything you would like to do tomorrow?" Callum asks. I wasn't sure if he was serious. Like, could I ask to go buy some things. Could I go do something. Outside of this house?

"We can take you to the mall, or somewhere that you would like. We had someone bring your stuff from your apartment this morning, but if you feel you need anything else we can help." They went to my apartment? How?

"Maybe the mall? But I don't have enough money since I'm not working." I say taking a bite of the slider, which is the best I've ever had. Aled smiles to see I'm enjoying the food.

"Remember what we said, anything you need or want we can get." He says.

"But I feel bad, using your money."

"Remember why your here, we feel bad for doing this but it's what has to be done. Ok? So tomorrow we can take you to the mall and you can get whatever you want. Don't hold back, I mean it." Callum watches me, does avoid eye contact until I look down.

"Ok." I say, giving in.

"Good girl." Callum says.

My head snaps up to his remark but the two other men don't take notice to it. They all continue eating.

We finish dinner and they invite me into the cinema room again, where I was this morning.

"What would you like to watch?" Aled asks. He turns on the tv and they have Stan, Netflix, Disney plus, anything really.

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