Chapter Six- Aria

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The sound of the fire crackling wakes me up. There's no one in the room with me. I sit up from the couch trying to remember what happened this morning. Is it still the morning?


Iv'e slept for hours. Maybe I haven't slept as well as I thought over the last few nights.

The tv has been turned off, and I felt Aled leave before when he stopped soothing me as I drifted to sleep. I hadn't't even noticed what I was wearing, track pants and a baggy shirt.

The only clothes I had from last night was the cocktail dress I wore and heels. But somehow I wore perfect fitting trackies, an oversized shirt and soft socks.

Maybe these are from another girl thats been here. I'm sure they wouldn't have had time to get me clothes after last night.

I get up from the couch and walk to the massive door that we came in through this morning. I open the door slightly, peaking through before opening it more.

I can see Aled and Dacre standing there, Callum must be somewhere else. They are both talking while getting drinks out the fridge. The door creaks a little and their heads both snap towards me.

"Hey princess, how'd you sleep?" He says. The fact that this man is calling me princess and doesn't even know me, is honestly scary.

"Pretty good, I feel a little dizzy though," I fiddle with the shirt, which is almost hitting my knees its so big. He passes me a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you," I say. Dacre still hasn't said a word to me, he only looks at me and carried me after what happened yesterday.

"Marie is cooking dinner which will be ready in about an hour. Anything you want to do in the mean time?" Aled asks.

Looking around at the massive room we were in, I knew what would be best.

"House tour?" I softly smile, and Aled does the same. Of course Dacre keeps a neutral face.

"Of course, why don't we start at the front door so you can get your bearings?" He asks. I nod and a smile shows on his lips.

He leads me to the front door, and when I say leads me, I mean he's walking to my left with his hand on my lower back, and Dacre walking directly to my right, as if making sure I wont leave.

After walking down a long hall with doors we finally get to the front door. Turning around he shows me the rooms down this first hallway.

"So here we have a smaller lounge room, a gaming room, a room that opens into the garden, a bathroom for guests, a spare bedroom, another spare bedroom, a library and-" I cut him off.

"Library?" I ask. He opens the door. Holy Shit.

I stood in the doorway, in shock. Staring at something I had dreamed to have for ages. I wondered how many books had to be in the room. I wanted them all.

"Your welcome to use this room and any books as much as you want." Aled said, he pulled a book off a high shelf and passed it to me.

"One of my favourites" He said, and guided me out the room. Dacre still watching me, not letting his eyes leave.

We continued down the hall. "So essentially, the entire ground floor is for guests and everyone to use. We'll show you upstairs but first let's look at the garden. I'm sure you'd want to spend most of your reading time out here." He opens a door to the garden. And again Holy shit.

"When your ready to come back inside, we'll talk about the first floor." Aled says, allowing me time to take in the massive backyard, pool and plant room.

Everything is amazing, I could stay here all day just reading. God I hate the situation where I'm held captive, but this house though.

I walk back to the door, and they walk with me to the stairs.

"So there's two more floors, first and second. First floor is all our rooms, bathrooms and a gym. You are free to use the gym, and if you need one of us, just knock on the door but only come in if we say to. This is the same for you. I apologise for this morning, I was trying to quietly put some water in your room before you wake up." He says it sincerely, I guess I could forgive him, or you know, give him a run for his money.

"What about the top floor?" I ask.

"Well it's mainly our offices and private rooms. So we do have a rule, you are not to go up there unless you have been told to. Understood?" He asks.


"Good. So the room your staying in will be supplied with the things you need, you have a closet and private bathroom, also a small balcony overlooking the garden." He explains.

"Really? Wow that's amazing."

"These circumstances are pretty shit, so we want you to feel comfortable and trust us. If there's anything you need, just ask one of us ok?" He asks.

I nod at him, then look at Dacre, his eyes dark but he nods at me. He nodded at me, wow, the most reaction iv'e gotten so far.

"Well we still have another half hour till dinner should be ready. Anything in particular you want to do?" He grabs a drink from the fridge.

"You said you have a game room...correct?" I smile at them, they already know what I'm thinking.

We walk back down the hall to the game room from before, I haven't seen inside yet.

It's massive. There's arcade games and a massive tv with Xbox, the newest PlayStation, Nintendo and a whole drawer of games.

I go down to the drawer in front of the tv to pick out a game, I kneel on my knees and look through the drawer. I feel eyes on me.

I glance back at the couch behind me, to find Aled and Dacre watching me, staring at me on my knees.

I look back at the drawer, and I pick out GTA, I've heard a lot about this but never played it.

I slowly get up, not knowing if they are still staring. Turns out they are. They watch me as I nervously walk back to the couch. They both sit on one end of the couch, leaving a space for me in the middle.

I sit down between them, and I can almost feel them move closer to me. Dacre was to my left and Aled to my right. I give them both a controller. And we start playing.

Half an hour goes by and we were all playing and having fun. Until I got stuck.

"Why won't it let me go round?" I say smashing the buttons.

"Here," Aled says, he slowly wraps his arm around me to one side of the controller, and puts his hands over mine onto the controller.

His hands are warm, veiny. He helps me fix how I got stuck.

"T-thanks" I say, looking at the time on the tv.

"Dinner was at 6.30 right? I guess we should head to the dining room" I say. I go to put the controllers away. I wanted to test something. I could feel their eyes on me.

I go to bend down to put the controllers away, bending at my waist.

I stand back up and look at them, seeing they snap their heads away when I do. Hmm.

"Uh- let's go" Aled says.

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