Chapter Two- Aria

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I could only just tell it was him. His back was towards me but i could still recognise the man I just met 5 minutes ago.

"Get out of my way," the man with the knife was persistant. He moved slightly closer. Then the two men who took the guy out of the bar, stepped in front of me, and beside Callum as well. They must be his bodyguards, or friends, or something.

The man with the knife backed off slightly at first, but was still determined to get to me despite being out numbered. His eyes were red and shaking last time I looked into them.

He lunged at the man to Callum's right, but he'd miss calculated how it would have gone. Callum's friends hand was at the mans neck, he threw him to the ground. His body hit the ground, I swear I heard a crack. God that man was powerful. He was just as muscular as Callum, possibly more. The bigger things to ask were, why were they trying to protect me? And how did they even know I'd been in trouble.

Callum's other friend moved to go for another round, but the man with a knife reached for his pocket.

A gun.

The man pulled out a gun, stood and pointed it at Callum's friend, then at me. Callum shielded me with his body. His hand on my arm behind him, making sure I don't move. His friend's each pulled out a gun.

I heard the first shot. My body shook.

I heard the second, my hands squeezed Callum's suit jacket.

I heard the second, everything went black. My body hit the floor from shock.

I gained consciousness for a few seconds. My body was supported by something, arms? My eyes flutter up to see a face. A strong jaw, a suit tie, the same as Callum. He had dark dark black hair, but it wasn't Callum. He looked familiar. His eyes were brown, dark dark brown, not like Callum's darker green eyes.

I must've made a noise, because the man looked down at me. He didn't say anything, but I saw his eyes just before I passed out again.

"Please Spencer, please just pick me up!" I scream into the phone. Tears fell onto my shirt, yet the blood seemed to stain it more.

"I am Aria, I'm coming, just hold tight ok? Your ok." He said. I could hear the screeching of tires and honking of distant horns. My eyes stung, but how could I complain at that. The blood all over my clothes and the stinging eyes were the least of my worries.

"HURRY!!" I cried into the phone. I broke. My mind couldn't think in that moment. Pain shot through my body, as if wanting to take the pain out of the person I held in my arms.

I begged and begged for him to stay, for him to not leave. The blood kept coming, the breaths kept leaving.

Deep breathes. Deep fucking breaths I told myself. I need to stay awake, that's all I need to do.

I held the body closer and closer. My arms burning from the weight, but I knew not to let go. I wouldn't let go. I can't lose him.

"Almost there. I'm almost there." Spencer said over the phone. I felt bad he had to deal with this. My best friend having to help me with the almost lifeless person in my arms.

"Deep breathes for me Aira," I knew I needed to but it was hard. I prayed and prayed. Just to stay awake myself, let alone the person who was close to death.

"Stay with me. Just stay with me," I tapped the persons arm and kept murmuring to him. Spencers panic breathing was heard on the other side of the phone. His breaks screeched.

The doors flew open and he rushed towards me. He panted as he engulfed me in a hug. I screamed and cried, squeezing my eyes shut then-

I woke up.

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