Chapter Twenty Six- Aria

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We all get into a black limo, they all help me in and make sure i sit between two of them. Callum and Dacre sit on either side of me. Both of their legs spread and pushed against mine, trapping me between them.

"She's not running away guys, jeez." Aled laughs and smiles at me.

"Your just jealous you don't get to sit next to her." he says kissing my neck and squeezing my thigh. 

"Not really, because i know i'll be having the most fun tonight." he winks at me before waving the remote in the air.

Both of their eyes went wide.

"You didn't", Dacre and Callum say together. Aled presses a low setting on the button and i grip the guys next to me by their arms and a moan leaves my lips. Aled turns it back off. 

Callum tries to snatch the remote from Aled but he puts it back in his pocket.

"Who's jealous now, bitch" he looks at me with so much need to touch me.

I can hear the Club's music from streets away. By the time we arrived i was honestly deaf.

They all help me out of the car, making sure they all at least touch me for one second.

The bouncers didn't hesitate on opening the doors at the site of us. Dacre has his hand on the small of my back and Aled has his hand in his pocket, and told me to hold his arm. Callum walks infront of us to talk to a man in a suit.

We follow them both through the club, people parting their way at the site of us.

"This room here sir, your guests will be along shortly." We enter the room.

Theres a pole in the room.

"Don't worry princess, i'm more likely to use it then you are." Aled says and proceeds to suductively walk to the pole.

"Aled, our guests don't want to come in and see you of all people, on a pole" Callum says putting both of his hands on my waist and pulling my body back up against him. I can feel him.

"Sweetheart, do you mind helping me cover this up for our guests?" he asks, not waiting for a reply before pulling me down onto his lap when sitting.

"What do your guests want?" i ask, nestling myself into Callum's lap. He grips my throat.

"When you move like that beautiful it makes me want to fuck you in front of our guests, so behave." 

"They want to talk to us about some... deals we made." Dacre says.

"You can small talk with them gorgeous until we start talking business, then Callum will give you a signal to leave so we can talk privatley. Go to the bar and tell them your name. They've made a few new drinks and want you to taste test. We don't want our girl being bored." Dacre tells me.

"What's the signal?" I ask.

"I'll rub circles on your back with my thumb, tell them you need to use the ladies room and excuse yourself. Can you do that beautiful?" Callum says.

"Yes daddy," He lets out a small groan and moves me more onto his crotch. I can feel he's so hard for me, if there weren't any clothes in the way, his dick would be inside me.

Someone knocks on the door, Aled opens it, and the so called guests arrive. Two men, older, scary looking.

"Hi gentlemen... and, lady?" the taller man sees me and a smile forms.

"Tod, rick, this is Aria." Callum says, moving his hands to my hips.

"Well, Aria it's nice to meet you. I wasn't aware Mr Saltzman had a new whore." Callums body tense, i can tell he could feel me weaken.

"Tod, I'm sure you'd like to apologise for that remark as this deal is not in your favour." Dacre says. Tod glares at him before apologising to me and Callum. Dacre and Aled talk with the two men and Callum stays quiet.

"What they said is an aim to throw us off, and they took you down with it. You are not a whore Aria. You mean a lot to the three of us, and i would do anything if it meant you would be happy and stayed with us, even if i had to shoot everyone in the fucking building, i will make sure your happiness comes first, and so will the others, please remember that." He whispers.

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