Chapter Twenty Nine- Aria

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Callum's grip on me is harder than usual, and he's not let go of me till we got home. Somethings on his mind, but he's got his full attention on me still.

The limo pulls up the driveway and stops just outside the mansion's door. The driver gets out so it's only me and Callum.

I sit up wanting to get out of the car but Callum's grip pulls me back down. His hand is on my throat and his other hand holding my wrists.

"Play-room. Clothes off, lingerie on. Blind fold. 5 minutes." He lets go of me, no playfulness in his face. Only a demanding look. 

I get out the car and race through the hallway. I pass Aled with a confused look on his face.

"Princess wha-"

I'm up the stairs before he can finish. 

I'm running to the room, taking off my dress as i go. The minute i get into the room i look for a blindfold. I look in all the draws, and let me tell you, there were so, so many toys.

I finally found one, its a lace covered one, but the other ones they have must be somewhere else.

I'm on my knees on the floor, making sure i'm facing the door, and put the blindfold over my eyes. 

I wait.

Sounds come from the hallway every now and then, sending shudders up my spine. The floor is cold but i know i have to wait.

The lingerie set i'm wearing is very revealing, and i feel so exposed in it, but i want them to touch me. 

The door opens.

Footsteps approach me.

A hand plays with my hair.

I feel a heated breath next to my ear.

"Stand up," one of them commands me.

I stand up. My body shivers and i fiddle with my hands.

"Now sweetie, Dacre and Aled have had a very rough afternoon," So it's Callum who's touching me. Oh god.

"And with all that teasing you did in the car, the three of us need a way to... relax," I can almost hear the smirk he pulls at the guys.

"We usually hold back, but today we aren't going to, because i for one, want to use you like the little slut you are." His hand grips my throat.

"Aww she's shaking" Aled laughs. "better get used to it"

Callum's grip is replaced with a hand on my chin, a face close to mine. A low whisper follows.

"Remember what your safeword is?" I nod and say red before he responds. "Good girl, now if you need to stop and can't keep going, say it, because we will not listen to you if you say stop or no. But i want you to feel safe gorgeous." Dacre says.

"Do you understand?" He whispers. I nod.

"Good," He picks me up, and grips my ass so hard as if i'm trying to run away. He pushes me down onto the bed, my wrists held down to either side of me.

"Now darling, you can fight us, try and run from us or even beg from us all you want, but in this moment, we own you and we will fucking use you how we want. So no matter what you do, we WILL have our fun."

"Now be a good slut and finger yourself," 

A smile spreads across my face.


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