Chapter Nineteen- Aria

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I go into the special room and wait for them in there. I'm not sure what they expect when they come in but i'll just sit on the bed.

I think I waited about 10 minutes until i heard footsteps approaching. I could feel myself getting nervous, but i didn't want to stop, i won't submit. However, i might be grabbing the bed sheets for a little comfort right now.

The door bursts open, scaring me a little. The three of them move swiftly towards the bed.

"Well isn't it the little brat who think's she's in control," Aled takes hold of my chin and a hand snakes up my back and into my hair.

"And here we thought she was an innocent little thing that would do as she's told, But no, guess i better fix that." Callum takes off his tie and looks down at me.

"Hand out now." His voice dark and demanding. I don't do as he tells me, i stare into his eyes and bite my lip.

Aled tugs my hair and Dacre grips my wrists out to offer to Callum. Callum uses his suit tie to tie my wrists together. I tried pulling on it to see if it would give any wiggle room, and it doesn't.

Aled and Callum start pulling off my clothes. Dacre goes to get a bag from a cupboard in the corner, but i can't see whats in the bag.

I try pushing against them, not letting them take the clothes off me. Aled flips me over and then i feel pain on my ass. Callum smacked me. I let out a soft moan and Aled chuckles darkly.

"Aww come on princess that was pathetic, he barley spanked you." Aled teases. I'm in my lingerie set and they sit me up on my knees, my hands still bound together. 

"Fuck you" i whisper, but i know they heard me. Dacre's head snaps towards me and he marches over. He grabs my wrists and pulls me forward, so close to his face i can only look into his eyes.

"I know you did not just say that gorgeous, because if you did you would regret it. So What was it you said again?" He waits for a submissive answer from me but i'm not going to give it.

I say it slowly.

"Fuck. You." I glare at him and decide to spit in his face.

He has a look of shock for a split second, licks his lips, and then an evil, cunning smile spreads across his face. 

His hand comes up to my chin and his thumb pulls down on my bottom lip so gently. He whispers in my ear.

"Bad girl."

Callum grips my wrists and pushes me down onto the bed, my back to the mattress and my hands above my head. Aled grips my legs and pushes them down into the mattress so i can't move.

Dacre reaches into the bag and gets out a vibrator. Shit. 

He pulls my lingerie panties aside and gently slaps my pussy.

"Your cunt is so wet, your such a slut for us arn't you." He laughs. He presses the vibrator to my clit and stares into my eyes as he turns it on.

My back arches and a loud moan escapes me. I pull at the tie around my hands and try and set my legs free, but Callum and Aled aren't budging. 

Dacre's hand traces up my body to my neck, he grips my neck hard but not so hard my breathing is affected. His voice is low.

"I want you to remember this moment gorgeous. But the main thing to remember is that," His hand grips a little tighter. "We always win."

He pulls down my bralette and starts doing god knows what. I can't stop moving and moaning for the feels already being caused by the vibrator.

I can feel Aled moving, he takes the vibrator off, spreads my legs and repositions himself. He starts playing with me, and uses the vibrator to help. His fingers dip inside me, the vibrator causing even more tournment. This and Dacre touching me is making all kinds of moans escape my mouth.

Callum still holding my wrists uses his other hand to grasp my neck and whisper to me.

"Keep moaning like that beautiful. Good girl." 

He starts sucking on my neck and leaving marks where he can.

"You like being used by your daddy's baby? You wanna be played with?" He hums. "Be a fucking good girl and you'll get what you want, but you be a little slut like you have to Dacre? You get this..."

As soon as he says that they all stop touching me. The vibrator is still against my pussy but they all move off the bed. I let out a whimper.

"Apologise like a good girl and we'll touch you, but otherwise no orgasm princess," Aled says.

"I'm sorry," I say, moans still escaping me from the vibrator.

"Not good enough sweetheart." Callum laughs darkly.

"Please daddies, I'm sorry. I'll submit." I beg.

"That's it. Now who's in control?"

"You. Always you. I'm yours." Something changes in the three of them at that last part. They all step closer.

"Say that last part again," There was hunger in their eyes.

"I- I'm yours. I'm yours for you to use and play with. My daddies own me."

With that they all practically run at me, all taking off their suits as fast as they could. After taking off everything on them, Dacre throws the vibrator away from him.

"Hands and knees now," Aled helps me flipping over onto my knees, my hands are still bound together so Callum unties them for me.

He then gently touches my cheek and chin. "Now be a good girl and take what your given, ok?"

"Yes daddy,"

"Atta girl."

A gasp escapes me as either Dacre or Aled pushed their dick so far inside me i almost lost balance. I then feel the other start playing with different parts of me, touching my tits whilst also jacking off.

"Take me like the good girl you are, beautiful." Callum presses his dick to my lips. I slowly let him in, he lets out a groan and takes my hair into his hand.

The two men inside me start to thrust. They are both grunting and forcing me to take them. My eyes water and muffled moans are covered by the dick.

Callum pulls out. "Say what you said before again." 

"My daddies own me. I'm their's to have and do anything to." 

"Such a fucking good girl." They all switch around, taking turns on who fucks me and who makes me swallow their cum. 


I lose balance and flop down onto the bed, exhausted and covered in my daddies cum.

One of them picks me up and takes me to an on suite bathroom. The bath is already run, Callum and Aled sit with me in the massive spa bath.

"Such a good girl for us." Dacre says putting away the vibrator.


"Sweet dreams our beautiful girl."

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