Chapter Three- Aria

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My eyes squinted at the morning sun shining through a small rectangular window at the top of a wall. The window was so small yet let in so much light. My eyes focused slowly, trying to catch up with my other senses

The silky sheets against my skin felt so nice and comforting, cold yet keeping me warm. The pillows were also silk. My eyes squinted at them, a dark shade of blue wrapped around my body.

As my eyes finally focus I realised. This isn't my bed.

I sat up. This isn't my room. What the fuck. Where the fuck am I?

My head started to throb trying to remember the events of last night. Trying to remember how the fuck I got here.

My legs shook as I got out of the bed. I felt dizzy and took a hold of the bed just to gain my balance. With staggering steps I walked to the door. My footsteps got stronger and I was storming towards the door. I saw a hand mirror on the table near me, I grabbed it

I took a deep breath in and before I could reach the handle, the door opened.

"Motherfucker!" The man in front of me yelled and jumped back. I must have scared him, probably expected me to be asleep still.

"Who the fuck are you!" I yelled raising the mirror.

The man, now seeming familiar stoop up after gasping for air. I looked at his face and I had definitely seem him somewhere. His brown hair, tattoo at his collar.

His eyes darted at the mirror in my hand. The ends of his lips curled up a little, as if to hold back a laugh.

"Aww princess, why don't you put the mirror down for me." He said, his eyes going a little serious.

"Who the fuck are you?" I backed away slightly. The mirror still in my hand.

I gripped the mirror, deciding I would throw it at this fucker. I aimed for his head, as he stood in the doorway. Just as it was about to make contact, Callan walked in and caught it.

"What is going on? Did this dipshit do something?" Callum asked. He turned to his mate and hit him round the back of the head. "Mate, I said wait for me." He said to his friend. The friend left. Now that I realised it, he was one of the guys with Callum last night.

"Don't mind him, he wanted to bring you a bottle of water and I told him to wait. Such an impatient ass." I stared at him blankly.

Why am I here. What is going on. I felt dizzy again.

"I'm sure you have more than enough questions. Follow me." It wasn't a request. It was a demand.

I followed Callum, my legs still a little shaky. The more I looked around as we walked, the more I realised how big his house was. This is like some Kardashian type shit. We got to the staircase. Its so big. It's like a spiral staircase, but massive.

From the top I can see the man who was just with me sitting at a table, and in front of him was another man. I'm assuming the other guy from last night.

I almost tripped down the stairs from the shear shock I was in from the house alone, despite being somewhere random and waking up to this.

I follow him to the table, where he pulls out a chair for me, I hesitantly take a seat. Callum sits the the head of the table, with his two mates next to him, the one I almost hit with a mirror to my right, and the other to my left.

They all have the same build, muscles, tall, strong. Callum's friend who wasn't upstairs a second ago to my left, has the same hair shade as Callum, dark, almost black. He had a tattoo on his forearm, and one on his wrist.

I sat there waiting for someone to speak, but they all just looked at me.

I heard doors open, and footsteps approaching. They were lighter and softer than when the men walked. I turned to look and a middle aged woman came out, with an apron, wheeling a tray out to us. There was one plate on it.

The woman came over to me. "Here you go dear" she said as she put the plate down in front of me, nodded at the man to my right and left. The plate had pancakes, a breakfast burger consisting of bacon, eggs and sauce, and a hash brown on the side.

Callum must of noticed my confusion as I stared at the plate.

"I suggest you eat, we'll explain and answer your questions." Said the brunette to my right.

My stomach turns, either out of hunger or worry. But I can see in the stare the three of them gave me, they wouldn't start talking unless I ate. I picked up the hash brown and took a small nibble.

"First of all, you've already met me. And met Aled here in an...interesting way." He glares at the brunette who was in my room this morning. Ok, got it, Aled, walks in whilst your sleeping.

"And this is Dacre," he says gesturing to the man to my left, he still hasn't't spoken. I look into his eyes, something was different about him. He was serious like the other two, but a little more in the intimidating type of way. He didn't smile like the other two, he just stared.

"I'm sure last night was a little...traumatic for you." He said, I slowly nodded. I was trying to recall what happened after I passed out, but I could only remember the gun shots. The gun shots.

I stood out of my seat, remembering these men killed a man, and kidnapped me into their house. I stood and ran. Ran to find a door, or a window to get out of. His house was so big, I tried opening doors to see if one led to outside. No, its just more and more rooms.

"Aria" Callum's voice rang down the hall.

"Please just sit with us and talk, let us explain." Aled's voice followed.

I sank to the floor, not knowing what to do. My head fell in my hands and I blocked out the noises and sight. I didn't know what to do. I'm so confused.

My breath started to hitch, then started to increase in rate. My body shook, my lungs grasping onto air. The panic attack was slowly forming.

I felt something brush up against my arm. It repeated to stroke my arm, gently, smoothly. My eyes open slightly and I look between my knees that were up to my chest. I could see someone squatting in front of me.

Still breathing heavily I look up. Callum is there, stroking my arm with the back of his hand. He notices I look up and he looks into my eyes.

I still couldn't breath.

"What are 5 things you can see?" He asks. What the fuck? What's with the random question? I go to ask him but before I could he told me to answer the question.

"Um," between breaths I say what I can see. "You...the blue vase...the white floor...the painting and the um window." I say, my breath starting to slow. I still shake under his touch.

"Good girl, now tell me three things you can feel." He says. I close my eyes and focus.

"Your hand, the cold floor and the wall on my back." I say, now feeling my ass hurting on the floor.

"Good, now one thing you can smell." He said. I take a deep breath and smell the air. My shaking starting to disappear, my breath still hitching but stable.

"The bacon that was cooked." I say.

"Good. Deep breaths." He tucks a hair behind my ear.

"Now let's go back to the table and we can have a calm discussion ok? If you feel another panic attack, just tell me." Before I could respond he helps me up. I must be weightless if he pulled me up that easy. He takes my hand in his and guides me back to the dining room.

I'm sure the handholding wasn't necessary.

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