Chapter Twenty Seven- Aria

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I squeeze his hand a few times to tell him i understand. He kisses my shoulder in response.

Callum rubs circles on my back, my queue to leave.

"You'll have to excuse me, i need to use the ladies room." I stand up and Callum still has his hands on my hips

"Hmmm maybe i should accompany you" Tod says, his smirk scares me. 

Callums grip gets harder on my hips, i can tell he want's to rip his face off.

"Tod, we will gladly take away the deal we made if you continue to harass our girl." Dacre says taking a sip of whisky.

Callum lets go of me slowly, and kisses my hand as i walk to the door.

I leave the room, and i actually feel more relaxed. I need a drink though.

I find a seat at the bar and i tell the bartender my name like the guys said to.

"Miss Aria, nice to meet you. I have a few drinks id like you to try, no one has had them yet and i would love your opinion." The bartender smiles.

He places 3 drinks in front of me. One is bright green, another yellow and the last one black.

"Trust me, the black one is the best one." He smiles before leaving me and letting my try them.

I sit and try each drink, and just like he said, the black one is the best one. Everyone is dancing, and the loud music is getting to my head. 

A man comes over to me and sits on the stool next to me.

"Hi beautiful" he smiles. 

"Hey," i just try to be nice. And quite frankly, i need the company.

"Quite a few drinks for one lady," he says, sipping on his own beer.

"Yeah, just trying a few out" i laugh.

"You been to this club before?" he asks. He shuffles forward a little.

"No, actually my first time." I sip my drink again.

"Oh really? Well let me tell you you've come on the quietest night." I look around at the 300 or so people.

"This? Quiet?" He laughs and nods his head.

"Yep, lucky you." He laughs.

"To be honest, i was going to buy you a drink because you are literally the most stunning girl i've ever met, but you've got your own little tasting buffet in front of you." 

"What can i say, i like trying new th-" I feel it. I jolt forward and a noise leaves my mouth.

It's vibrating.

The man looks at me confused.

"Back pain" I manage to tell him without moaning and whimpering. 

Why the fuck is this thing on? 

I look into the crowd, and there he is. Aled.

His face looks like he's going to rip the man in half. He walks over to us.

"Aria, we're leaving now," his eyes don't leave the man. I slowly struggle to get up, his hand grasps my hip and he guides me through the club, back to the meeting room.

He opens the doors, and the other men have left. Callum and Dacre sit there, both with the same expression as Aled.

The vibrators still going, my thighs are rubbing together.

Aled pushes his hand up against my neck, forcing my back up against his chest.

"What were you doing with that man?" Aled asks, voice rough and quiet in my ear.

"N-nothing, i was trying the drinks and he came over to chat, nothing happened." Moans leave my mouth as Aled increases the vibration.

"Didn't look like nothing to me," He replies.

"Hands on the back of the chair, legs straight and back bent, now." Callum points to the couch. I do as he says.

My dress is pull over my ass and up my back. Aled stops the vibrator and pulls it out. My legs feel weak.

"Count" Callum says, followed by a harsh burning to my ass.

"One," I groan. Followed by another slap.

"Two," i whimper noise leaves my mouth.

Aled laughs. "surely our little slut can handle a few smacks." 

Callum kept smacking, i kept counting.

"Twenty," was followed by "Good girl." and my legs gave in, i fell to the couch.

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