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The test tube swirled in the perfect colour combination. Black to red to blue. The experiment had been a success. This was long overdue and partially my fault for not using the correct slime condensate specifically from pesky dendro slimes. I was still internally celebrating my triumph when the lab shook violently before the door was rudely barged through and destroyed in the process.

The test tube lurched out of my hand, smashing and leaking the contents in the process. Well there goes all my hard work. Its not everyday my lab is intercepted this way. I steeled myself for whomever would grace my presence although I had a pretty good idea of who it might be.

My knives had already been summoned. They were held tight in my hand and sizzling with Electro energy. They were certainly later than I anticipated but once again my theory had been proven correct. Its a shame this time I was hoping it wouldn't.

A single figure strolled in, completely ignoring the mess he had made of my lab.

"Now now, Doc. No need to have such a look on your face. Lets talk it out before we get heavy with the weapons yes?" An uncommon voice spoke.

No other man would be able to find this lab and no other man would do what he would to get his hands on my creation. There was no talking to be done. This was out of the question.

"You mean like how you politely asked to be allowed in? Right, of course! Please, by all means, talk away," I spat.

I was stalling. It was obvious to anyone. Truth be told, whilst I knew how to handle myself in combat, this man was a Fatui Harbinger. I didn't stand a chance especially because my expertise lay in science and numbers. He probably knew this just as well as I did. A smirk formed on his face but only half of it was visible due to his choice to wear such an irregular mask. The mask only covered half of his face, leaving an opening for one side of his mouth and his red eyes that gleamed like rubies. He was enjoying himself. Its about time I reigned on his parade with bad news.

"Hand it over Doc. You know what i'm here for. We can do this the easy way, and no one gets hurt. I know your smart, so be smart about it."

The smirk had dropped from his face in an instant. Disgust tainted his features and his playful demeanor had long since disappeared. So he liked to toy with people? I wasnt sure if that was the case just yet but his actions and mannerisms were all over the place. He would be a tough one to predict.

"I can't do that I'm afraid Dottore. To hand over an originally crafted field tiller core to the Fatui could lead to disaster and I'm not sure I'd like to be the cause of that. Unfortunately we might have to do this the hard way."

He sighed, exasperated. Shutting his eyes tightly for a second to rid himself of the oncoming headache, he flicked his fingers once.

The shadows warped and a handful of Fatui Agents slipped through, surrounding me in my own lab. That wasn't the worst part. Andreas was with them. Not exactly with them, more like held against his will with them. He looked beat up, cuts and bruises decorated his skin and red rimmed eyes suggested the type of pain he'd experienced. Evidently he was tortured into giving them the location of this place, after all he was supposed to be my trusty assistant. I suppose giving him a holiday might not have been the best idea.

Dottore motioned for the Agent to bring Andreas forward. My grip on the double knives tightened. I had absolutely no idea what I would do. Andreas did in fact know where I hid the field tiller core I'd created myself whilst trying to recreate Khaenrian technology. But if they knew that, they wouldnt have bothered asking me. Which means he held his tongue. My heart beat a little faster at the thought of it.

"You two are well acquainted with each other, no? How about this then Doc, you tell me where I can find the core, and little Andreas here runs free. Hm?" Dottore suggested it whilst mussing up Andreas' hair.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now