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He'd just whispered his last words as I looked over at the clone body nearby.

It's over. Finally. It's over.


Good. Someone's here.

Turning around slowly, I painted  the most shocked and hurting face I could possibly make. The tear stains and the blood would certainly work in my favour.

Scaramouche was the one standing behind me. Even better. Who knew it would be a Harbinger themselves that would have come to us? I predicted someone from my subordinates would come check for us down here after agents reported back that Dottore was retrieved. In fact I was counting on it. I certainly wasn't expecting to be Scaramouche.

"Is he..." Scaramouche trailed off with an unsure look on his face.

"H-he's dead," I whispered.

Perfect tears rolled down my face in coordinated lines making the scene all too tragic.

"But- why can't he just change to that body? Wasn't that the plan?"

I swallowed thickly and stared at my hands that were dripping with Dottore's blood.

"It didn't work. He was too... He was too weak," I let out another choked sob.

Scaramouche's eyes widened a little bit as he stared at the body so obviously empty. It was more like a used shell now.

"I'm... I'm sorry for your loss," he averted his gaze.

I stared back at the scarred face of the once inhabited body of Dottore. The eye patch he wore still angered me to see, yet he was still just as beautiful with one eye. Luckily, it would all be fixed. Everything went to plan after all. Of course some particular parts weren't accounted for but I genuinely never anticipated that my plan would work to this level.

"Can I be left alone please?" My voice was broken and grieving.

Scaramouche watched me intently before sighing and nodding. It seems he wanted to say more but he was unsure.

"I think I'm going to clear out this room of... His clones. C-can you call someone to take away this body please?" I made sure my voice depicted pain and gut wrenching hurt.

"Right. I'll go get someone. Are you sure you want to do this?"

I hesitated for emphasis. "Yes. I want to do this myself."

"As you wish. I'll be back with someone soon," he responded before leaving with the veil of his hat swishing prettily behind him.

Minutes later, a few agents appeared in the doorway and began to remove the bloodied and empty body of Dottore. They left swiftly leaving Scaramouche and I once again alone in the silence.

"Um... Do you want some help carrying the bodies out?" He seemed conflicted on whether or not to offer his aid.

Standing up from my place in the pool of red, I clenched my fists and exhaled quietly.

"No, thank you," I mumbled quietly. "It's... it's my job as his assistant to complete this final order. This is what he would've wanted."

Scaramouche never replied and simply chose to place a comforting hand on my shoulder before turning to leave.

Once he was out, I glanced behind me through the door to ensure no one was around. I pulled out a tissue from my pocket and wiped down the lingering tears and blood. At the same time, I poked a finger into the clone's body beside me. The one Dottore was meant to transfer to.

"You can stop pretending now," I said out loud.

I waited for a couple of seconds before, my favourite red eyes cracked open just the smallest bit to look at me.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now