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I was nervous.

Never before had I met an archon and this one specifically was infamous for her heartless and cold nature. I took Dottore’s words of advice very seriously and intended to keep my head down the entire time.

We stood at the door and the light streaming in from the other side refracted through the door leaving diamond patterns on the floor.

The doors opened with a creak and someone nearby announced the arrival of the Harbinger by my side. He strolled in confidently, me shortly following.

This room’s temperature was obviously below zero and a monstrous aura came from the glassy throne I’d briefly glanced up at on the way in.

Keeping all of Yelan’s tips in mind,  my expression was empty, my heart was calm and my posture was confident and straight. I was careful not to appear over confident however.

Once we were in front of the Queen of Snezhnaya, Dottore and I kneeled with our heads bowed. Court etiquette was one thing I knew how to do at least.

“You may rise.”

Her voice. It was everywhere and nowhere. As if it was only in my head but bouncing off the walls at the same time. Royal attendants stood around the room and near the throne. Guards held spears of ice and all eyes were trained on us. Remain calm Y/N. Breathe.

As we stood, she spoke again. “You rarely come to see me of your own volition, Dottore. Announce your reason for calling this audience.”

I had yet to actually look at her and take in her appearance. The moment I did I wished I was wearing a mask like every other Fatui in here. Her hair was silver and shimmery like snow falling under the moonlight. Her eyes grey and cold; looking into them alone sent a shiver down my spine.

She was looking directly at me. I’m not sure if studying the Tsaritsa’s appearance was against the law but I couldn’t help it. I’d heard rumors about her beauty so I’m certainly not surprised she’s drop dead gorgeous but she was also quite terrifying.

“I have brought with me today Dr Y/N L/N, the only person we know to date who has created an original Field Tiller core and completely replicated Khaenrian technology. With your permission and blessing, I would like to request taking on Dr L/N as an official Fatui researcher who will work along side me to begin work on building an arsenal of Abyssal weapons.”

The room was silent after this. Several attendants and royal advisors turned to one another, muttering and whispering as they stared at me, sizing me up. My eyes remained trained forward.

“This is unusual for you Doctor. Your many previous assistants were never properly enrolled as Fatui. What makes this one here so special?” Her wise voiced echoed around the room.

“Putting aside her discoveries and experience in her field, she is talented in concealing her motives and emotions - which is precisely the type of person useful for interrogating. Furthermore, she isn’t easily manipulated. Her only faults are her sharp tongue and enormous curiousity,” he added pointedly looking at me.

I grimaced, hoping this wouldn’t lead to my dismissal.

“Hm. Are you forgetting the time you indirectly insulted me with your sharp tongue Dottore?” Her brow was raised arrogantly.

All was quiet. I couldn’t stop myself from glancing at him with wide eyes. His shoulders were tense but his lower face remained unchanged. No one knew what was about to happen. Was she scolding him?

“I merely jest,” she said without so much as breaking a smile.

I could almost feel the room exhale in relief. Dottore’s shoulders visibly relaxed and a small smile curved on his lips. His lips which I had just realised were a very pretty shape. Curse me and my constantly distracted mind. Not the time Y/N, really not the time.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now