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Dottores Pov:
Pulling out the necklace from beneath my scarf, I studied the view intently. I saw a vague image of a grey corridor that looked like the ones we'd used to enter the arena. She was fine, on her way back. That was a relief. I guess she was just taking her time so she wouldn't need to sit here with me for so long.

"And for our next item... We have-"


Every person in the room visibly jolted at the roaring sound that was unmistakably gun shots.


No one else in here would have been able to sneak in guns. What the heck was happening out there? I thought she was taking her time for other reasons, not because she was in the midst of a brawl with someone. Useless necklace.

The bidders were growing more panicked. Some glanced around warily, others stood up abruptly to leave and a handful unsheathed their weapons out of instinct.

"Uh... Ladies, gentleman we will be taking a short intervention to investigate-"

He didn't get to finish. Security guards around the edges of the arena were on the move and weapons had appeared in their hands. Sirens thundered and red engulfed the already dim room. The people around me were frantic, getting up from the seats and pushing past one another with panicked screams and impatient yells

What was going on? I needed to find Y/N immediately. We hadn't even had a chance to bid for the weapon, of course it ended up this way! If Y/N had been injured at all...

No. That wasn't important. If she was the cause of the gun shots then she was protecting herself. She wouldn't do something so out of the ordinary to attract attention, especially with the delicate situation of being disguised. If Y/N had indeed been protecting herself then the attackers must have been someone she couldn't leave alive. Who...

A light refraction. In the corner of my eye. The sound of a shot. My gaze flashed up to the ceiling suspiciously. Someone was up there, was that a... Sniper?

Within a split second, a muffled shot was fired directly in my direction. Dodging swiftly, I was out of my seat just as fast and slipped within the crowds weaving out of the venue. Amateur. It would take more than that to get me.

But wait... He was aiming for me? That meant that... Shit. We've been spotted. The alarm, the earlier gun shots, of course! It made complete sense. But that meant that the authorities had infiltrated the market. My eyes flicked up worriedly at the sniper who was slipping away out of the ceiling platform. The only thing that caught my eye was the green leaf symbol hovering over their ear.

The Akasha system. These people were from the Academy. Which means that the alarm roaring in my ears so irritably was sounded due to the authorities discovering the market. Y/N must have shot someone from the same squad to alert the security of the venue and have the alarm warn the residents. But more so... To warn me.

But, it didn't make sense. First off, how had they tracked us to here? Secondly, they had never shown any intent to kill me. All the wanted posters asked for me alive. Furthermore, would they really risk their lives to come down here into dangerous territory all to have me arrested?

I turned back to the seat I once sat in as my eyes caught on the sight of the shot that was fired at me. It wasn't a bullet... It was a tranquiliser dart! They still wanted me alive but if they were planning to knock me out here, that meant that there was more of them amidst the crowds. Shit.

I need to get out of here. But what about the Silverwing Staff? Ugh... That was our whole purpose of coming. The whole reason me and Y/N fought and split up was so that we could get that ridiculous stick and leave as fast as possible. Of course nothing went as planned!

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