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The next morning I was dressed early and making my way to the lab. I decided I wouldn't let Dottore push me around especially after he went out of his way to hold me hostage and introduce me as his assistant to the Queen and court. If he was angry and jealous, that was his problem.

It turns out my schedule was pretty simple. I had specified work hours and I'd have to submit reports of our progress. The timetable indicated important dates in the year and the names of important people in the Fatui including the Harbingers, the finance department and the healers.

Apparently there were only around a dozen or so Generals in this building but it didn't matter much to me as making friends was the bottom of my priorities.

The weather was calm and settled and the sun was out; a nice change to the constant snowing of the last couple of days. It felt as if the weather had uplifted the mood in the palace and as I walked through the corridors with my new mask and uniform, Agents and maids nodded their respect to me.

Unfortunately my hopes for a good, efficient work day came crashing down the moment I stepped through the door of the lab.

"You are LATE!" Dottore was yelling as he appeared through the door of a room I hadn't identified yet. In his hand was his precious pocket watch that snapped loudly as he marched towards me.

"Actually I'm early according to my schedule."

Dottore raised his hand and gripped the air in frustration before he relaxed, ran a hand through his hair and crossed his arms. "First rule of working here. I decide your work hours, not that useless sheet of nonsense. Are we clear, darling?"


His body went rigid. "No?"

"No, we are not clear. I was brought here against my will and forced to work for you with the only other option being becoming a disgusting experiment and dying. I am a human being who requires the necessary basic essential needs to live and function efficiently therefore I will arrive here and leave here at the times of which my schedule dictates," I stated firmly. This man needed to be put in his place if he expected my help at all.


I raised a hand to stop him and continue myself. "Threaten me all you like Dottore but Her Highness expects us to work together to produce only the finest results. She's expecting great things from you, and I will help you achieve that as long as you treat me in the way I should be treated. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. Please be considerate of how dire the situation is at the moment."

His jaw hung open in shock. I concluded that this was the very first time anyone had ever spoken to him in this way. It took him a good minute to recover. He took a step back, rubbing his jaw in what appeared to be confusion.

So I waited. My predictions were that he would resort to anger and scolding but only time could tell. Eventually he threw his hands up in defeat as if he'd lost to a silent battle in his head.

"May I speak now?" He asked in a low, unidentifiable tone.

"Please, go ahead."

"I don't know who you think you are love, but no one has ever spoken to me in such a blatantly blunt and senseless way," he took slow steps forward till our chests were centimeters apart and his masked face was tilted down, inches from mine.

Right now, I was immensely grateful for the mask I wore. I tried to maintain steady breathing.

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt seeing as you clearly do not know how to show your superiors respect. I'll also grant you the work hours you schedule details because your boldness and courage is... admirable. However, if you step out of line or even attempt to go against my orders, not even the goddamn queen could stop my wrath."

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now