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I winced. He's been at it for ten minutes now.

"Where is that arrogant imbecile you call your fucking boss? Tell that pussy to get his blind ass out of hiding and face his superior," growled Dottore.

We were currently at the Northland Bank's main headquarters. Our original plan was to come here and ask for a cheque of a large sum we could use to bid at the auction but alas our request was rejected. No reason was given but Dottore immediately believed it was because Pantalone was trying to spite him. So here we were, arguing with the clerk at the front desk who was trembling and on the verge of tears. I'd tried to calm Dottore down but the rivalry between him and the ninth harbinger seemed to blow his fuse.

His behaviour wasn't at all out of the ordinary. He pretty much spoke to anyone that looked at him strangely in this way but we really weren't getting anywhere.

"I-I'm sorry my L-Lord. Lord Pantalone is r-refusing to see anyone at the m-moment."

Dottore slammed his down on the desk in frustration causing the clerk to burst into tears. The entire scene was all too comical and whilst I did pity the poor man, it was terribly hard not to laugh.

Instead, I decided now was my time to step in.

"My Lord? Can we talk over there for just a moment please?" I sweetened my tone and lightly brushed my fingers against his forearm to which he exhaled and nodded. His jaw worked endlessly.

Once we were out of ear shot, I glanced around to ensure no one was watching. To my dismay, every Agent in the room was gaping at the pair of us. Someone even dropped a pen. It seems my small touch didn't go unnoticed and whilst some spectators were horrified others were curious. Just this one time, I decided to take a leaf out of Dottore's book.

"What are you all looking at?! Scram!" They all visibly flinched at my loud voice and snapped back into movement.

Dottore's jaw had gone slack and whilst his face was covered, I could practically see the expression of pride in his eyes.

"Do that more often," he said.

"And you stop verbally assaulting that poor man! Can't we just ask for a lower sum of money? I'm sure the loan will be accepted and we can be on our way."

"Absolutely not. I'm not leaving till that useless imbecile comes down here and hands me the money. He's doing this on purpose. I refuse to back down," stated Dottore firmly.

I groaned. Sometimes he really was impossible to deal with.

"Just go back to the palace Y/N, I'll deal with this shit. You can go retrieve the long distance teleporting portal from Research Lab #3 and get changed. That way when I come back, we'll be ready to go shortly. How does that sound?"

"Or how about you take your leave and I deal with the situation here. It's clear Lord Pantalone is being difficult, maybe I could reason with him. Don't waste anymore of your time here Dottore. It'll be more efficient this way. Off you go," I replied, holding his elbow and leading him out the front door.

"I do not want you to talk to him," spat out Dottore as he stopped us abruptly. "If he gets anywhere near you, I'll turn his internal organs inside out."

"I'm sure you will. Farewell," I said quickly before shoving him out and making my way back inside.

Many had just witnessed that ordeal but it was too late to care. This Pantalone fellow was starting to piss me off.

"Hello. I'd like to apologize for Lord Dottore's aggressive approach earlier. Do you want a tissue?" I asked the clerk as he flinched away with a runny nose. Pulling out a tissue from a pack in my pocket, I held it out to him.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now