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It had been two weeks since I found out I was a Khaenrian descendant. It had also been two weeks since I slept a full night. Every time I got into bed, I would question everything about myself and I was having a serious identity crisis. The masquerade ball was tomorrow and I looked rough and exhausted.

The past two weeks had flown by and whilst nothing extraordinary happened, it still felt as if significant events took place. Dottore and I had been adding and adjusting all sorts of things to the Ruin Guard after testing it in the arena and we'd been sending these updates to Sandrone for days now as she worked to produce the new automation. A couple days after the first testing, the Tsaritsa called us in for an update just as Dottore had predicted.

"Well? How far have you progressed?" She asked in her regal voice.

"The Ruin Guard worked successfully and appeared to have new original features compared to cheap replicas of the bot. It will definitely be useful in the final battle and we are thinking of using the technology to develop new weapons, with your blessing of course," stated Dottore.

"Adequate. You have my blessing to proceed with your plans. I trust you will both be in attendance at the ball in two weeks?"

We nodded because everyone in this room knew she wouldn't accept No for an answer. Bit of a silly question really.

"You are dismissed, Dottore. General L/N, stay behind."

Dottore left the room without another word as everyone lapsed into silence. What did she need me for? This felt like a teacher asking a student to remain behind for detention or a beating. I wasn't in trouble was I?

"Come closer, child," she ordered.

I stood at the bottom of the steps leading up to her throne as her piercing crystalline eyes bore into mine. Not a thing could be determined from those eyes.

"Tell me, what do you think of Il Dottore after working with him?"

Was she asking me because she was testing him? What was the right course of action here? Do I tell the truth or make him look good in front of her?

"And don't even dream of trying to hoax me into believing he's a saint and a wonderful superior. I've known this man for many years, that being said, you will tell me the truth. What do you think of him?" Her tone was firm.

Well there's my answer I guess. I didn't realize how much I had to think about this question because at the start of this all he was my kidnapper and he's threatened me with death more times than I can count on my fingers and toes. On the other hand, Dottore has been much more tolerable recently and he was the perfect lab partner. Ignoring his many faults, I'd learned to like him when he wasn't being a prick. Not to mention the strange flutters in my stomach... I would never mention those to anyone however.

"Dottore is tolerable. His dedication to his work and his expertise in the field makes him an excellent superior and I've learnt much from the past couple of days of working by his side. If you ignore his short temper and threatening nature, he is a reasonable man who I certainly look up to. It wouldn't even be far-fetched that sometimes he can be considerate and polite," I ended up saying.

Once I finished, I heard gasps and whispers around me. I dared to glance around to see people looking confused and surprised. My eyes were back on the queen and even she had a glimmer of intrigue in her expression.

"Considerate and polite, you say? Reasonable?" She laughed. She actually laughed. Her voice echoed around the room delicately, sending shivers down my spine. The many other soldiers and attendants had a similar reaction to me. "That man is many things, but reasonable is not one of them. Listen to me child, Dottore has never spoken to any of his assistants or subordinates in a polite tone and he has never once been described in the way you have described him. I do believe your words however. Do what you will with that information."

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