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Almost as if the weather could sense the coming events of the day, a wild wind howled and swirled the sands into scraping walls and tornados. The desert was rabid.

Luckily the mask protected me but my insides were feeling just as restless as the atmosphere. I was nervous but angry. For two whole months, I searched tirelessly for this facility to find my Harbinger and now here I was, approaching the stone that would give me access inside.

Everything was set. I made sure to inform the spies nearby that I would be entering in disguise and that once I appeared in the lift after my visit, they would deliver the stitched, fingerless man to the doorway of the lift. I would pretend to be mortified and offended by the grotesque sight of him and it would hopefully eliminate any suspicions of me being the perpetrator. That way, I'd be allowed access back in again easily if I so wished to storm the place down.

Once I was in, I would meet up with the head manager of the prison underground who called himself Bones. A bit of a corny name but it had my blood boiling at the thought of it. That wretched man was holding Dottore in a cell like a caged animal and he would receive the worst of my wrath. That's a promise.

My guest pass was scanned on the panel in the floor and a rumbling sound beneath me notified me that the lift was nearly here. I subconsciously reached out to touch the daggers at my thigh then check that my pistols would still easily appear in my hand when summoned. The weapons and the pouches of various dangerous materials were certainly comforting for me. I only hoped I wouldn't be asked to remove them upon entering.

The cold metal of the ring beneath the gloves I wore was also comforting to me. As long as I remained calm and collected, everything would sort itself out.

The lift had arrived. As the gated metal doors screeched open, I laid eyes on two burly soldiers; the same ones that were present when Jacob met his end. They eyed me up and down before glancing at one another with a gleam in their eyes. I know that look. If they believed they could lay a single finger on me they'd be riddled with bullets before we've even reached the underground level.

I handed them my guest pass to verify before they nodded and took a step back to make space for me. Once I was in the lift, I ensured I was facing them with my arms crossed and my daggers shining in the low flickering light. This should be warning enough for them. Or they were welcome to test me and the shotgun attached to the leather harness on my back.

The lift was old, smelly and badly in need of maintenance. On more than one occasion, I stumbled from left to right as it shook and staggered on the way down. Evidently this facility was much less prestigious than the other underground black market.

I breathed a sigh of relief that the soldiers had kept their distance however their hungry eyes were more than uncomfortable. Once the doors were open and we reached our destination, I shoved through the both of them and made my way out of the suffocating atmosphere. Their quiet snickers didn't go unnoticed.

The moment I was out of the elevator, I almost regretted it. The stench was ungodly and the sight of sweaty men stalking about had me gagging. What type of place was this? I'd never laid eyes on such an unhygienic place. I can't imagine what Dottore's home for the past 2 months looked like. The thought of it had my stomach roiling.

"Ah! I don't suppose you are the anticipated Lady Fleur?"

Lady Fleur was the alias I decided to use. Not exactly very unique but I'd met a Lady Fleur in Fontaine at a theatre performance. Lovely lady. I'm sure she wouldn't mind if I borrowed her title for a bit.

I turned to attach a name to the voice that was dripping with hints of thievery and shadows of betray. A man with missing teeth and an array of scars, strolled over to me with a shining metal leg.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now