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"Shit, shit, shit , SHIT!" Dottore was distraught as he held his head in his hands.

I ran towards him hoping I could keep him conscious till we could find somewhere to sit him down.

"Dottore you know what that was right? You're gonna pass out soon so let's move to that tree over there. Come on," I said, pulling his arm forward with me.

He was starting to sway and he wasn't responding. I threw his arm over my shoulder and put my arm around his waist to steady him but his weight and height was proving difficult for me to handle. We just about made it to the tree when his breathing started to sound laboured and his legs collapsed beneath him.

"Fantastic. I get to drag you across the grass to the tree now. Don't kill me, please," I muttered under my breath as I looped my arms under his and pulled him till his back was leaning on the tree and he was in a sitting position.

Now what to do. Come on Y/N, you are a doctor originally. Think of a solution. That's easier said than done seeing as there isn't a known cure with immediate effects for a Scarlet Nightmare. Wait a second...

"I'm so sorry Dottore, once again please don't kill me."

Unbuttoning his white jacket, I searched through its pockets. I remembered he'd thrown a few things in here before leaving. Perhaps there was something useful.

Dottore groaned in pain as his head tilted back and his hands balled into fists. His teeth were clenched and jaw was tense.

What nightmare could possibly have brought him such agony? I read somewhere that some nightmares are often disturbing memories relived. I never liked seeing anyone in pain even if it was someone as cruel as Dottore. I needed to help him and fast.

My hand wrapped around a brown leather patch that was rolled up. The sound of liquid sloshing and glass tinkling against one another came from inside. My heart skipped a beat at the progression. Of course he would bring antidotes! I had to hand it to him. Dottore was a careful and well thought out man.

Immediately I untied the strings holding it together to reveal a set of syringes containing different colors of liquids. Some changed color in the light and others were filled only half way. There was no way you could distinguish between these unless you were the ones who made them.

"I take it all back, Dottore. You're an absolute idiot. Do better."

My nerves were getting the better of me and my hands were shaking. Please remain calm, brain. This is the one time I need you to focus.

I hadn't really used my medical knowledge for years now. I sort of left it behind to pursue what really interested me and the stuff I learned about medicine was all to better my understanding of wild materials and their properties.

Glancing up, beads of sweat ran down Dottore's throat and he was breathing hard. Do I take his mask off to help him breathe better? I'm so conflicted! Ok, one thing at a time. The mask stays on unless he personally takes it off. Now focus on the syringes.

The most effective antidote to the poison from the sting is...

Damn it. I forgot.

'This situation cannot possibly get any worse' is what I thought but the sky said 'oh it can' and then it was pouring down. Again.

I quickly took my jacket off and put it over Dottore's shoulders, pulling the hood up in the process. There was no use for both of us getting a cold, besides he'd already been through it once.

My body covered the leather patch as I began eliminating the antidotes with deductive reasoning. The black, half full liquid was for paralysis and the almost clear one was an anaesthetic. That much I knew. Which only left three more. One yellow, one purple, and one blue. Taking the three out, I decided to test a drop of each on my hand. I'd deal with the consequences later.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now