~ 13 ~

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This chapter contains made up things that don't exist in the real genshin world and it is for the sake of the storyline. Furthermore, the timeline of some things mentioned is inaccurate to better aid the plot. I'm sorry if this disappoints or annoys some people but it was the only thing I could do to make the story work.


It had been 2 week since the incident at the ball and with help from Dottore's medicinal concoctions, my wound healed perfectly leaving only a scar. It didn't bother me all that much however, because it signified an important development in my life.

Dottore and I kept our relationship completely private and continued to live on as if everything were the way it was before. That's how it looked to the palace anyway. In the safety of our own space, we found comfort in each others touch.

Today the Tsaritsa had called us up for an important request.

"The next time we have nothing else to do, I'm going to design a lift for this damn place. Who thought it was a good idea to put the Queen's throne room at the highest point of the palace? Surely this is bad for my still healing body! Tell me there's another way to get up there," I whined as we approached the stairs.

"You're going to engineer a mechanical lift with what qualifications? Stop whining about it and suck it up. I've been climbing up these stairs for years," snapped Dottore.

As you can see, we were very much still the same duo who were always never in agreement.

"Ugh, have a heart," I muttered under my breath.

"I'll just take yours," he said seductively with a smile.

"Shut up," I replied with a chuckle as I attached my mask.

"Only for today, we can use a short distance portal. Your body still won't be prepared to take on so much pressure, we shouldn't push it," he compromised.

I stopped walking abruptly.

"You mean to tell me. That we could've used this portal thing every other time BUT WE DIDN'T?" I spat through gritted teeth.

"Calm down, Y/N, the portal was still in development before. You know, I was actually going to suggest using it when you were new here because the first prototypes sent the testers into the middle of the ocean and I wanted to see where it might send you," he chuckled.

"You are so cruel," I huffed as he pulled out a ring looking device.

Dottore threw it forward. A cloudy, stormy looking portal opened in front of us and if you looked hard enough you could make out the entrance to the throne room on the other side.

"Ladies first," Dottore said, extending his hand to aid me.

"I think not," I said before pushing him forward with me shortly after.

I expected some nausea from the idea I had of traveling through portals but it was a smooth ride. We did however scare the guards at the door who lifted their spears at us upon our arrival.

"Put those down you fools," snapped Dottore.

They flinched before looking at each other and allowing us passage into the room.

"Announcing Il Dottore and General Y/N L/N," bellowed the soldier.

The way the room hushed and the whispering began would never not be exceedingly uncomfortable. Gossip in this palace was a major issue.

The both of us knelt to one knee and bowed our heads as we awaited for the Tsaritsa's acknowledgment.

"Rise," she said simply. "You both know why you're here, yes? I have a special mission that I believe only the two of you can complete. You have more than proved your abilities to me so I'm entrusting this task to you."

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now