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The X ray scan went smoothly, no dizziness as Dottore suggested might happen. It was a strange contraption but I loved the way technology was improving specifically in this field. Dottore scolded me more than once for moving around too much as I tried to study the mechanism.

It appears I was correct. I was indeed concussed however relatively unharmed. The common bruise and scratch was nothing. Dottore had a habit of simply strolling off at his leasure, leaving me unsure where to stand or what to do. I'd decided it was worth holding off on the escape plan until he told me his motives, especially after I'd gone to all the trouble of following his orders.

He was back in an instant behind me. "Drink this. It'll help with the concussion and any fatigue you might be feeling. I refuse to allow you to pass out and get another peaceful night's sleep."

A test tube was dangled in front of my face. He truly was enormous compared to me, nothing like the clone I'd fought earlier. I wonder how old he was when that clone was his real self. My attention however, was currently on the contents in the test tube he handed me. I could never trust anything he said or gave to me therefore I had to test it.

Sniffing the test tube, I smelt: mint, crystalline cyst dust, naku weed and zaytun peach. Smelled safe enough, many of these ingredients are often used in calming medicines but I was still suspicious.

"Naku weed AND Zaytun peach? Are you trying to drug me Dottore?" I asked skeptically.

"Drugging you is a more malicious way to describe it. They have numbing properties, you won't feel a thing. Oh and that'll be Lord Dottore to you, girl."

He was off again mumbling to himself and scribbling in his notebook. A less explosive reaction to my disrespect this time... Interesting. I was curious to know how he ended up like this. This is often the result of years of solitude or some form of torture. I didn't want to assume because it was likely he was born with a screw loose. It was entertaining to watch.

I tipped a little bit of the content onto the nearby table to test whether or not it had acidic or corrosive properties. No reaction. I supposed it was safe enough to drink. I'd never seen this specific mixture before so I'd be sure to make a mental note of its affects.

"I'm wounded you trust me so little," he feigned a hurt voice whilst covering his heart mockingly.

"I've done everything you asked for Lord Dottore. Please see through your side of the deal."

He sighed before dropping everything in his hands and motioning to me to follow him. He was confident enough to walk with his back to me completely unguarded. Well, I had no idea where those chains would come from so I suppose he was protected all the time.

Dottore led me through another wooden door. The room behind it was simply furnished with a large window overlooking what appeared to be the largest garden maze I'd ever seen.

Snow plummeted down from the heavens, coating the garden in powdered sugar. A water fountain just about visible in the centre of the maze was frozen in time, the edges of the water curving in sharp points. It was nice to know we were still in Snezhnaya. The only place with a garden as extravagant as this one would be the Zapolyarny Palace.

I hadn't realized he had stopped walking until I bumped into his back which was harder than I thought it would be. He turned back slowly, scoffed and proceeded to sit in one of two chairs at a small table. A chess board lay vacant on the table until the Harbinger opened it up and gestured for me to sit.

"You know how to play chess?"

I nodded and took my seat where the pieces on the board were white. Both the black and white pieces were translucent, as if they were crafted from icicles into crystallized pawns and rooks. We began playing in silence until he determined it was time to speak.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now