~ 18 ~

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I didn't go back to look for him in the rubble. He wouldn't be there, I knew he wouldn't. And if he was... Well then I did myself a favour.

I left Sumeru immediately after finding a Fatui camp and ordering them to aid me back to the palace via the portal rings they were all provided with. Everyone had been given them after the first successful tests a few weeks ago but Dottore and I had used both of ours unfortunately.

Upon returning to the palace, I was approached by multiple people who spewed nonsense that went into one ear and came out the other. Ignoring them entirely, I breezed through the handful of Agents asking about the whereabouts of Dottore. Even hearing his name gave me a splitting headache.

Ever since the moment he'd pushed me through and left me behind, even imagining his face hurt. My body was numb, tired and bruised yet sleep and rest was the last thing on my mind. I'd compiled a long list of things I'd work on the moment I got back here and they'd all be put into action right after I went to see the Tsaritsa.

"I'm requesting an audience with the Tsaritsa. It's an emergency," I said firmly to the royal attendant who was trailing after me with questions.

Their eyes widened at my cold tone before nodding and skittering off to inform the Archon who likely already knew about my return with the weapon. I forced myself up the staircase, eliminating all the fleeting memories that clung to the fabric of my clothes of me and Dottore's treks up to the throne room. Every single thing in this infernal place had lingering traces of him, I could almost imagine the lemony scent of him as I walked up. My expression was steely and my jaw ached from being clenched so hard. The anger within me was akin to a wooden house on fire. The tiniest inconveniences would only fuel my rage.

Once I reached the throne room, I hardly waited for the herald to finish announcing my arrival. I was through the door, determined to rid myself of this staff and forget about the previous day's events. The moment I was done here, I'd be out of everyone's sight and in the training room for hours. This clinging vexation within me had to be unleashed on something after all.

"You're Majesty," I bowed. My impatience was through the roof. I hoped this would go quickly for the sake of my sanity.

"Rise Y/N. Your hasty return was most unexpected but I believe you have something for me," boomed the Tsaritsa's voice.

"Indeed. I apologize sincerely for requesting an audience at such a short notice," I mumbled. My apology was about as sincere as Dottore when he spoke to his subordinates. "The Silverwing Staff has been returned to its rightful owner and I present to you, a weapon capable of creating spacial rifts and astral creatures from the stars in the sky. It may not be exactly what you asked for, Your Highness, but with a few adjustments and tests, we will be able to increase its strength and unleash its full potential with your blessing."

I laid out the case before me and opened it lavishly, to showcase the golden sceptre clutching a grey, stormy orb in its centre. It looked alive and swirled with images and constellations. Back in the storage room, it had looked almost zapped of its power but it appeared to react excitedly to being in the presence of the cryo archon.

"We?" The Tsaritsa uttered only one word with skeptical curiousity. Who knew a one worded question could send such a hurtful shock through my body? Beneath the Fatui mask, I closed my eyes tight and exhaled shakily before replying.

"I presume you ask about the whereabouts of Lord Dottore. I believe you might have already been informed but during the mission, my Lord and I ran into some inconvenient trouble which led to me having to leave the scene without him. His location is yet to be known therefore it's safe to say his status is missing in action," I forced out.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now