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Dottore was right. There was a meteor shower. It happened shortly after the dance and the dome perfectly showcased the entire scene for the guests.

Oohs and aahs could be heard from all around the room and many scrambled to get outside and onto the balcony for the best view. It was truly a sight to behold but it was over quite quickly and soon everyone was back into their little groups, chattering away. The orchestra continued to play music and whilst before it was slow and classical, now they were playing jazzy music. The mood of the room was immediately uplifted.

I was currently stood in between Dottore and Pulcinella. The rest of the group with us was made up of Pierro, Arlecchino, Scaramouche and Columbina. All of these people had officially introduced themselves to me and it felt weird that they all felt the need to make themselves known to me. Arlecchino was incredibly polite and Columbina's conversation skills were great as she ensured everyone was included in the talk. Scaramouche was hardly paying attention as he swirled the wine in his glass around and looked bored as ever.

Eventually even the Tsaritsa joined us.

"Thoughts on the evening?" She asked as she approached us.

We all bowed respectfully and one by one, the Harbingers complimented the theme choice and congratulated her on her long reign.

"Y/N, how have you found the ball so far?" The Tsaritsa once again, singled me out.

She was sort of putting me on the spot, especially as I felt out of place here with all the high ranking Fatui members. She seemed quite happy that her Harbingers were enjoying themselves and they all watched me in anticipation, awaiting my answer.

As I opened my mouth to reply, something flashed in the sky and exploded in pink and purple. Fireworks. All the guests turned to watch the show that had unexpectedly begun. People laughed and pointed at the various colours and designs.

"Strange. The fireworks weren't supposed to be until much later," muttered the Tsaritsa, with a frown.

Some of the Harbingers glanced warily at each other. What was going on? The people in front of me that had a view of the stairs all shifted their gaze to the entrance. I turned to see a handful of soldiers streaming in and weaving through the crowds in our direction.

Something is wrong. I glanced up at Dottore with a frown as he registered the strange tension in the air and the sudden appearance of the royal guard.

The Tsaritsa stiffened and the air around us grew chilly. A Fatui Pyro Agent appeared out of the ground beside Pierro and whispered something in his ear. Simultaneously, the royal guards reported something to the Tsaritsa in hushed tones.

Pierros eyes widened with alarm. His eyes flickered to the Queen who showed a similar reaction. Then, their eyes were on me.

"Dottore. Take the General and leave immediately. There's no time to explain. You need to get to safety," ordered Pierro.

The Tsaritsa nodded and whispered something back to the guards.

"Harbingers, ready your weapons. A multitude of soldiers were found unconscious around the manor house. The situation has been compromised. We will go about this calmly and discreetly," said the Tsaritsa. "I will have the guests evacuate and you will work to contain the situation-"

An explosion sounded outside. The chandeliers shook and clashing of weapons echoed around from beyond the doors.

"Dottore, you need to leave now! Take the back exit and go!" Pierro yelled over the worried screams of the guests.

I was so confused and anxious. What was happening? How did this have anything to do with me? There was no time to get a word out before Dottore took my hand and pulled me through the crowds. We heard the smashing of glass nearby and more rattling that led to the candle lights flickering.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now