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The ride to the manor house was awkward and quiet. Poor Ilya tried his best to make friendly conversation but the two Harbingers across from us appeared to have an unspoken rule that one must not speak but glare with the intensity to split a mountain in half.

So I resorted to watching out the window as we drove through a snow haven. The carriage was strangely warm despite the heavy fall of snow outside. We drove past cities and villages in the distance and their warm orange lighting gave the evening a cosy feel. As I said before, going outside wasn't something very frequent for me but now I'm realising how much I truly missed out on here.

The carriage ran over a bump in the road causing it to shake and my body involuntarily ended up leaning right up against Dottore. He looked pissed so I shuffled away as fast as I could but there was only so much space.


Dottore's POV:

Our legs are touching and she's right there. Her arm and chest are pressed right by my side, at the rate my heart is going it wouldn't be far fetched to say it'll stop before we get there.

The only thing I could do was glare at her because it was my natural instinct to threaten death upon people that got too close. Pantalone knew that all too well so if I were to make a joke about it like I was just about to, he definitely would've been suspicious.

She looked so beautiful tonight. Heavenly. I hardly had enough time to actually take in the entire view before it got too suspicious but god I wanted to hold her and keep her all to myself. Nobody else should have the pleasure of seeing her dressed so spectacularly. My fingers were just itching to wrap around her waist and pull her close.

This look was so different to her usual attire I almost didn't recognise her. Her hair was done up in a way I'd never seen before and her lips were painted rouge like poppies and roses. It was getting harder to breathe in here the further we went. Geez how much longer?

The insufferable man sitting opposite me with his ridiculous smile and his ridiculous wealth, god he was just asking for a dissection. We've never liked each other. He couldn't bear it that the Tsaritsa favoured me over him because he lost the jacket he was supposed to gift her. Ha! How pathetic. It's even worse for him because nobody likes me which means if the Tsaritsa likes me more than him, that is saying a lot.

My eyes strayed back to Y/N. She watched the view outside as we drove through the white hills and fields. Her eyes glittered behind the mask as if she'd never seen the outside world before. It was the exact look she had when we went riding a few weeks ago. We'd only been working together for such a short time and yet all I could think about was her. One day, I would tell her to accompany me on errands and we'll go riding through all these places on the way. I couldn't get enough of that happiness in her gaze.

Ok. What is happening to me? Wanting to bring someone else happiness because it makes me happy? That one is completely new.

This crush thing was so strange. I've never experienced anything like it. Not even the library had anything on the feelings and symptoms that are accompanied with having a crush on someone. Maybe I should write my own book to aid the poor souls that have to experience this terrifying experience.

Finally, the manor house was coming into view. I felt Y/N shift beside me to get a better view and the way her expression relaxed from the blank stare was so cute. Even she couldn't hide the extravagance of the Ammil Manor House. Whilst I did hate balls and social gatherings, this place was made for royalty and no one else.


Y/N's POV:

There is no way you could call THAT a manor house. This was just another palace and it was nestled in between two high snow blanketed hills, almost like it was snuggled into a valley. A long queue of carriages winded out of the archway entrance and their soft glow illuminated the many trees that hid this dirt path from view.

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