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A second funeral was held for the 4th Fatui Harbinger, Il Dottore. It happened the day after the events in Sumeru however Y/N refused to attend once more.

News about the tragic end to the mission had spread through the palace like wild fire and whilst everyone wanted to see the affects of the events on Y/N, she was nowhere to be found.

The last time she was spotted was when the Balladeer had found her drenched in blood, holding onto the Doctor's dead body for dear life. The Harbinger were unsure of what to do however Y/N informed him of the true death of Dottore shortly after.

She asked to be left alone as she worked to clear out the clone room and erase any lingering traces of the 4th. The Balladeer obliged however she was never seen again.

Later that day, Y/N was reported to have left the palace after taking a stallion from the stables. Strangely enough, as the evening took over, the stallion returned in a fright but no rider was seen accompanying it.

Many rumours spread about saying Y/N had ended her life in the forests after losing her lover however the Harbingers believed otherwise.

Particularly the Balladeer and Tartaglia.

Tartaglia returned to his rooms after hearing the news of Dottore's passing to find a letter and a small package on his doorstep. Immediately, he suspected who the sender might be but he proceeded to open the letter hastily and read the contents.


Dear Childe,

Before you decide to burn this letter to cinders after having guessed who the sender is, I'd like to make one last request. Please read what I have to say.

Unfortunately, what I would like to tell you cannot be detailed on this single page and I don't have much time left to write it all out anyway. Therefore, I will attempt to summarise.

I am sorry. I apologize with every bone in my body for the horrible words I so indecently spoke to your face. You were right. Everything you said was entirely true and I was too blinded by rage to see for myself what I'd let myself become. I couldn't grasp the idea that Dottore might not be with us anymore with the way he left me such a new sense of life in me.

I shouldn't have taken it out on you and I'm sorry I was such a rubbish friend. I hope you can give me the benefit of the doubt seeing as I've never really had a friend before. It will never justify my actions but I hope it might explain why I reacted in the way I did.

If I chose to stick around, I would have liked to spend some more time sparring with you and perhaps spend a little more time together so that we could really build a good friendship. Once again, I'm running out of time. Hence, I'll choose to end this letter on a light note. Thank you for all your kind gestures and joyous company.

I could never expect you to forgive me but I do hope that you might like to give your little brother the small gift I attached with this letter.

Kind regards, General Y/N L/N.


Childe worked to unwrap the small package only to find a miniature toy Ruin Guard with a remote control.

He realised that the letter was written before they'd decided to accept each other's apologies just that morning.

His heart saddened for her yet he was immensely grateful for the considerate gift she left behind as a way of rebuilding the bridges they'd burned.

The Balladeer on the other hand couldn't shake the feeling of suspicion towards Y/N. He believed his theories of where she might have gone to be true when he laid eyes on the small square note that awaited him in his office.

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