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"The reports in."

I looked up from my work space where a small light bulb pulsed every other second, connected to a makeshift power source of an electro delusion and my vision. The hypothesis I'd come up with years ago had finally been properly tested and in its earliest stages was already showing good progress. It was out of my thoughts immediately as Dottore joined me at the desk with a thick file.

"What have we got?" I asked nervously.

This entire file of information on the staff had taken a good three weeks to come, giving me enough time to heal and spend some time in the gym to train my body back to its usual form. It would be necessary if we ended up running for our lives from the authorities.

Dottore spent the last three weeks pestering me about coming along even after I'd firmly spoken that only after we received the report would I decide but along the way I seemed to have agreed to shut him up. Funny how he was the one begging me as if I had authority over him. I didn't mention it to him but secretly I liked feeling like I had the power of decision making. In addition, it made me feel like he really valued my thoughts and consent.

Dottore flicked through the pages, his red eyes scanning the inky letters swiftly. His eyes widened before he began following the words and rereading.

"This is... Perfect! The staff is being auctioned off at an underground auction for antiques. Some historians said that the interest in the weapon had died down severely because nobody could get it to work and it was believed to be unusable ha! The estimates for the value of the weapon are fairly low. The bank would lend us any sum we need anyway," explained Dottore. "Damn it, I was really hoping we could cause a bit of trouble by stealing the staff to piss off the authorities for their idiotic-"

Alright, thats enough from you Dottore.

"Now we won't need to worry about having to steal it and getting out unscathed. We just need to bid for it. I suppose it could work out after all," I nodded.

Dottore rolled his eyes but I caught relief in his features. It was obvious a weight had been lifted off his shoulders knowing he could be around to protect me if I was targeted again.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that all the Harbingers and Generals were ordered to keep an eye out for the assailants at the ball, not a single report came back with good news. They couldn't be located or traced at all. The Tsaritsa had concluded that they may have come from the Abyss and were just rampant spirits but I found it hard to believe. It felt like she knew something but I was warned not to press on the matter.

I saw it with my own eyes and it didn't spur the feeling of the crushed civilisation. Nothing in the library held any information about black spirit like creatures that withered away when injured. It was scary, always being reminded that they could still be out there watching me with their beady eyes and warped smiles.

This particular night, after Dottore and I had studied every last note of the report from our spies stationed in Sumeru, we turned in early. We received the rotations of guards surrounding the perimeter of the owners home and the traps and maps of the location. The date and time of the auction was included and potential investors or bidders who had a keen eye for the weapon were listed along with their net worth and bank details.

All previous owners had been mentioned as well as the state of the weapon - which was described as worn but completely intact. A stolen report from researchers at the academy stated that the weapon radiated high levels of energy that were much too strong for the average human to control. Because of this, the staff was kept in a thick and protective case. The reason why the archon and the academy hadn't sought out to retrieve it after the many times it was stolen and sold is because the weapon itself is supposed to be owned by the Cryo Archon and was wrongly taken years ago.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now