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TW - Implied self harm, gory graphic imagery.


"Have as many Fatui Pyro Agents and spies be stationed at this exact location. They are to monitor the area every hour of the day for the next week. Anyone that attempts to enter or leave must be brought straight to me. Inform them all to remain 100 meters away from the location and ensure they are invisible for the entirety of their rotations. We cannot risk being caught, it'll be over before it's begun."

I was currently debriefing my secretary and other subordinates of my plan. They nodded quickly and scrambled to make notes as I spewed order after order.

My night was spent wide awake coming up with various plans and backup plans. As much as I wanted to break down the doors and rescue Dottore, there were too many unknown variables. One of which was the question of whether or not he was really still alive. This thought continued to linger in the back of my mind like a dangerous shadow.

And yet, my plans were solid. I was determined. This silly farce has gone on for long enough. Dottore has been away from me for far too long and I'd be damned if I never saw him again. At this point, even a dead body would suffice.

...That was a joke. Please, no dead body. I beg.

This morning, I was beyond exhausted but the idea that I might be seeing those dazzling red eyes and that sharp smile was enough to energise me. Something I had failed to mention to my subordinates was that I would be joining the spies later on in the week to observe this prison where Dottore is supposedly being held in.

This was a separate part of my plan that I chose not to reveal to anyone, along with many more schemes I have prepared for what would come after the rescue mission...

One thing I was sure of was that soon, I'd be back in disguise and searching through whatever was beneath the sands of that desert. Yes. I was going to break in and see for myself what I'd have to burn to cinders later on. I needed every miniscule detail that I could get because this was more than just a rescue mission.

It was revenge.

Scaramouche stood in the corner, crossed arms over his chest and narrowed eyes staring at me. I knew he was trying to interpret my full intentions but he would certainly struggle. I merely pretended as if he didn't exist and continued to hand out orders until one by one, everyone had been assigned a job to do and my plan was slowly being implemented.

"So are you going to tell me what you're hiding? You didn't really think I'd believe your only plan is to watch them and bring Dottore back, did you?" Scaramouche eyed me with knowing, navy eyes.

"That's funny, I could say the same to you."

I turned to face him with just as much suspicion. It was obvious to me from the past few weeks of working with him that he had his own hidden agenda along with a good source that seemed to provide him with valuable information. I was more than just suspicious but I'd postponed that thought process for another time as I was much too preoccupied with finding that madman. Nevertheless, I was sure he was hiding something. A little voice in the back of my head was telling me there was more beneath the surface and from my many years as a spy, I knew he was up to something sketchy.

Scaramouche betrayed no emotion, no visible reaction. I almost started to doubt my analysis of his character. Almost. He watched me intently before sighing and glancing away with a shrug.

Got him.

This was his version of telling me 'I won't pry, if you won't'. He was definitely hiding something. I wanted to know; my curiosity often got the better of me. For once however, I let it go. He was putting in time to aid my search so I felt obliged to leave the matter untouched.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now