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My head was splitting. The pain was beyond words and it genuinely felt as if someone was shaking my head around and throwing things right at my forehead. I groaned and stretched my aching muscles. My hands massaging my head did little to ease the discomfort.

"Hey, stop doing that. You're going to rub off the soothing oil," said a voice awfully close to me.

I tried to open my eyes but not before hissing in pain at the bright light. I'm sure it wasn't bright, but it bloody well hurt. My hands that were working uselessly to massage the agony away, were pulled away by someone else's hands. Strange. I don't recall having a roommate.

My nose was so blocked up, breathing in was essentially just sniffing. Slowly, I opened my eyes in short cracks before the light was bearable. It appeared the source of brightness came from the lamp on my bedside. A figure slowly came into focus in front of me.

"Hello there," I spoke with evident exhaustion.

"Do you know who I am?" The male voice asked.

"Why? Have you forgotten?" I asked back with an amused smile.

He sighed. "Answer the damn question."

"Yes, Dottore. I know who you are. My turn now. Why are you in my room and sitting on the edge of my bed?"

"That would be because you thought it would be a good idea to collapse at the most inconvenient time to which I had to catch you before your head slammed into the coffee table. It appears you've got a fever after today's events. Your immune system is pathetic," stated Dottore.

"You're pathetic," I giggled before turning over in my bed.

I'd successfully shocked him into silence before he easily recovered. "You're clearly not in your right mind. Actually, never mind. This is totally something you would say even if you weren't high on medication."

I turned back over in my bed to face him from my lying down position.

"You drugged me?" I asked, sounding weirdly hurt.

I wasn't at all but I definitely felt loopy. Someone had rewired my brain and now I was seeing colors and shapes and my mouth was moving faster than my brain could comprehend.

"It was necessary darling. This way you'll recover faster. You gave me the hardest time trying to get the medication into your system so I had to inject it in. Do you feel any pain anywhere?"

I thought about that question long and hard. Probably much longer than I should've because Dottore was checking to see if I was still awake.

"Um I can't really feel anything at all. What about the million things you said you have to do?" I asked, still very much struggling to focus the many silhouettes of him into one solid image.

"They can wait," he responded quietly.

"Hey stop moving so much, it's making my head hurt. One Dottore is enough. Too many and there won't be enough space for my brilliant mind," I mumbled as I reached out to hold his face. Once I did, he slowly merged with his other selves until I could clearly see him. "There. Much better."

I hadn't realised at the time how my action just now had caused Dottore to blush a little in the low light. He pulled my hands away from the bottom half of his uncovered face before placing them gently back onto the blanket.

"Get some sleep, love. I want you to be in the lab by 10am sharp. Understood?" He asked it gently.

"Mhm," I replied as I slowly fell back into a deep slumber.


So I lied. I was late. Only by 15 minutes or so and once I was in there with my freshly washed uniform and mask secured on, I steeled myself for a scolding. A scolding I didn't receive because Dottore was nowhere to be seen.

I'll break you (Dottore X Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now