Set 17 years after her parent's defeated The Lord of Darkness, Princess Jasmine wants more than just to become the next head of the throne of Fabula.
Curious, impatient and courageous, she regularly escapes life behind the castle walls by learning h...
"Jasmine, hurry up! Mrs. Weathley is waiting for you in the library" a stern voice sounded from outside of the heavy double doors.
It was her mother's lady in waiting and she knew the princess hated her etiquette lessons so she made it her duty to remind her of them, in person, every week.
"Coming" Jasmine lied as she tied the last sheet to her makeshift rope.
Looking down at the balcony below, she tied one end to the foot of her four-poster bed and threw the other end out of the window.
A rattling sounded behind her, catching her off guard,
"Open this door, young lady! You will not miss another lesson!".
Her head whipped from the window to the door before she made her final decision and shimmed carefully out of the large arched window and down the rope sheet.
A bang sounded from above and feet clapped against the wooden floor,
"Jasmine! Get back here!" Mrs. Weathley yelled from above as Jasmine landed on the balcony below and quickly opened the double windows she unlocked an hour earlier in preparation for her escape.
Mrs. Weathley's flushed wrinkled face popped out of the window with her thick-rimmed black round glasses nearly falling off the tip of her sharp nose where they were usually perched.
"Your parents will hear about this!" She screamed, making her face turn from flushed red to blueberry purple within seconds.
Jasmine paused for a moment at the last threat before shrugging her shoulders and continuing into the library.
Books sprawled the bookcases all around the room, from the floor to the ceiling as she ran across the moss green and mahogany space, towards an eagle statue in the corner.
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"Left, right, left, left, right, left" she muttered to herself as she gently pushed the open wings down and stood back.
A growling sounded from the books in front of her as she swung around, suddenly distracted by a stampede of footsteps in the distance.
"Come on!" She panicked and banged on the shelves in front of her.
The old books rattled against the solid wood and the shelf started to rattle.
The footsteps grew closer and voices could be heard just beyond the library door,
"She's in here!" One guard shouted and tried the locked door.
They tried to force the door open but to no avail as Jasmine put her focus back on the bookshelf in front of her.
She banged on the books one last time with extra determination and a gust of stall air greeted her enthusiasm.
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"Thank you!" She gasped and grappled at the small gap that had appeared at the joining of the shelves.
She quickly opened the secret door and went into the pitch-black passage, carefully closing the divide behind her.
Cobwebs and dank stale air greeted her senses but this did not distract her from her main goal - to get out of the castle and to the place she loved the most...
The enchanted forest.
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