Set 17 years after her parent's defeated The Lord of Darkness, Princess Jasmine wants more than just to become the next head of the throne of Fabula.
Curious, impatient and courageous, she regularly escapes life behind the castle walls by learning h...
"Screwball! Where have you been?" Brown Tom greeted and opened his arms for his scared dwarf friend.
"I went to get some Hawthorn berries" he panted and showed his small woven satchel overflowing with the crimson fruit.
"But there's a big bush over there" Brown Tom continued with a raised eyebrow.
Screwball ignored his questioning and ran into his inquisitive friend's arms, squashing some of the berries between them in the process.
Brown Tom regarded the AWOL dwarf with suspicion for a moment then shrugged it off to embrace the hug, happy he had not been affected by the sphere like he was.
The leader of the dwarves happily started inspecting the berries, picking out the best ones to put in his bottle as Screwball stopped him and slowly pointed upwards.
"Where did the sun go?" Screwball stammered, dropping a few of the berries as he gawped at the changing weather.
The pair observed the clouds quickly blanket out the sun creating an ominous overcast that was not their moments before.
"Mother?" Tiana gawped as she glanced over at Gump and witnessed a silvery trail of light enter the top of his head, from the cloudy sky, and emit from his fingertips into the princess's back.
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Her spine rattled on contact as her eyes rolled to the back of her head and beamed a piercing silver mist as she froze on the spot.
"What is he doing?" Screwball yelled and pointed to the focused elf.
Brown Tom and Screwball jumped forward to intervene but Oona blocked their path with authority.
"Let him finish! He needs to remove this memory from her otherwise we're all in trouble with Jack and Lili" Oona firmly stated to the anxious pair.
Brown Tom slowly nodded, refusing to take his eyes off the tense situation and put his hand on Screwball's shoulder to step down as the dwarves watched on with apprehension.
Minutes felt like hours as the group anxiously watched Gump navigate the metallic stream throughout the hypnotised princess's spell-bound body.
"Is it working?" Oona asked with concern.
"Not much longer to wait to see" Brown Tom replied as he observed the thinning stream of light.
The silvery trail began to wane as it floated through Jasmine's rigid body and exited through the top of her head.
Her eyeballs rolled back to the front of her eyes, exposing her widen chocolate irises,
"Where am I?" She asked her nervous-looking friends.
Oona stepped forward and carefully guided the princess to her feet.
"What's the last thing you remember?" She cautiously asked and hugged the baffled girl.