Set 17 years after her parent's defeated The Lord of Darkness, Princess Jasmine wants more than just to become the next head of the throne of Fabula.
Curious, impatient and courageous, she regularly escapes life behind the castle walls by learning h...
Jasmine negotiated her way down the pitch black narrow corridor before stopping and feeling in front of her,
"Urgh!" She cried as her hand brushed into a large cobweb blocking her path.
"I need light!" She said to herself and looked back to ensure she was alone.
She closed her eyes tightly and took a deep breath.
"Focus" she chanted, trying to centre herself as she was taught by Aunt Oona years ago.
Thoughts of beaming sunrays on a clear summer's day filtered into her mind as she whispered,
"Lucem producat".
She slowly lifted her arms into the air, as a tingling sensation erupted from her feet and quickly shimmered its way up her body.
Her fingertips began to glow a warm hue before particles of orange light began to flutter from her fingertips, creating a circle of shimmering light above her head.
The warming hue lit the gloomy space as the glittering light followed Jasmine down the dusty, cobbled corridor, guiding her way to the heavy wooden door at the end of the long passage.
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"I love auntie Oona for this" she smiled and breathed,
The handle-less door slowly groaned open, revealing a blast of bright light from the other side.
Scents of lavender and freshly cut grass filled her senses, which was a welcomed introduction from the musty smell of the corridor.
The blast of bright sunlight stung her eyes for a moment as she cautiously peered around the door before looking for an escape route.
"Timing, Jasmine!" She muttered to herself as she watched the two guards pacing back and forth in front of the enormous metal gate at the rear of the castle.
Their silver metal armour clanked together, restricting their movement but providing ample protection.
"Come on! Move away from the gate!" She begged.
Jasmine watched their movement as they limited their interaction with the few staff members that worked at the isolated end of the building.
The princess watched the grey uniformed women rush in and out of the bustling rooms as they accepted deliveries from various overloaded wagons that came and went and pushed carts of laundry to and from the busy rooms.
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"The king wants all birthday-related items to go in the storeroom in the west wing" one of the guards ordered a new worker.
The slim blonde girl nervously wiped her soiled hands on her white apron, creating a black smear, from the coal she was shovelling into the fire pit moments before, as she looked blankly at him.
"Show her where to put this in the west wing then come back to do the lunch" he impatiently waved to another worker.
The plump woman quickly nodded and swiftly guided the new maid into the castle.
The young woman struggled to push the rickety cart of gifts over the uneven cobbled courtyard as the middle-aged maid hurried her along.
The cart dipped and swayed, making the young maid panic about losing some of the precious items in transit.
Jasmine smiled at the overladen cart and crept forward to get a closer look.
She quickly dipped down behind a stack of boxes and twirled her fingers towards the maid,
"Cadere" she whispered as she blew a small breeze in the direction of the fraught workers.
A gust of wind swept through the hectic space as the workers struggled to maintain their demanding momentum.
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Boxes flew into the air, doors opened and slammed shut and the maids clung onto anything in sight to regain their balance.
"What is going on?" The guard yelled looking at the clear day's sky in bewilderment.
"I don't know but we need to clear this mess up and quickly" the other guard shouted over the gust of wind gaining force by the minute,
They both observed the startled staff trying to deal with the chaos of the courtyard and decided to reluctantly leave their posts to help.
"Perfect!" Jasmine giggled as the guards quickly left the gates unattended to help with the mayhem.
Using all the boxes and stacks of hay to conceal her whereabouts, the princess carefully gravitated towards the gates and hid behind a pillar before waving her hand again at the turbulent scene and breathed,
Watching the scene from her hiding spot, she smiled as the wind quickly dispersed and all was calm again in the now dishevelled space.
The guards looked at each other with suspicion and then investigated the space for intruders before concluding,
"This looks like fairy magic!"
Jasmine giggled and ran through the gates in triumph, feeling proud of her advancing magical skills.
She ran through the flower-filled field that surrounded the castle waving her arms in success as the Forest of Magnus came into sight.
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