Set 17 years after her parent's defeated The Lord of Darkness, Princess Jasmine wants more than just to become the next head of the throne of Fabula.
Curious, impatient and courageous, she regularly escapes life behind the castle walls by learning h...
"Well? How did it go? Do they know why she's floating?" Lili asked eagerly as she didn't wait for her husband to fully enter the nursery before interrogating him.
"Yes but I want you to take a seat and a deep breath" he explained and ushered his wife out of the nursery and over to the golden velvet chaise longue at the end of their bed.
The king sat his tense wife on the extravagant chair and started to explain his journey to the forest and what was revealed.
"She's a what?" She shrieked.
"A Huleing! But it's not as bad as we think-" Jack tried to reassure his panicking wife.
Lili jumped up and started pacing frantically before running over to the chest at the other side of the room and returning with her brown book.
The frenzied queen flicked through the age-stained pages before returning to her bewildered husband and pushing the book at him to read.
"You see? There's half a page about Huleings and none of it is positive! They kill their parents and turn evil!" She cried.
Jack stood up and tried to comfort his frantic wife,
"But she's not a normal Huleing, my love and that's the advantage" he continued.
Lili stopped pacing and regarded her husband with a steely glare,
"How did she become a Huleing? Neither one of us are magical beings and it says right here that they are created with a human woman and a male magical being. So how did it happen?" She asked, pointing to the page with an eerie calmness.
Jack stepped back and took a deep breath, knowing that his answer would only increase his wife's fear.
He sat back down and put his head in his hands,
"They accidentally transferred some of their powers to Jasmine during the ritual".
"So, not only is she a Huleing but she's got more than one power in her? How is that even possible? It's not even in the book?" She cried as she frantically flicked through the pages for answers.
"It won't be in there because it's never happened before, Lili" Jack stated solemnly and closed the book in his panicked wife's hands.
Lili walked over to the nursery door and stopped as she observed her daughter peacefully sleeping in the cot.
Jack joined her and stood behind his speechless wife,
"Although this has never happened before we came up with a plan" He tried.
There was no response.
"Oona, Brown Tom and Gump are going to train her to use her powers but no one must know what she is" he quietly continued.
Lili slowly turned to face her nervous husband and regarded him with tears in her eyes,
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"What happens when she floats around the room when one of the staff are in here? Or uses her extra dwarf strength and breaks through a wall? Or hears confidential information from your office at the other end of the castle with her heightened elf hearing? What do we do then? We cannot help her, Jack! We're human!" She ranted.
The exhausted king grabbed his wife and held her trembling body in his arms, knowing it wouldn't be easy but they had limited options since they really didn't know what they were dealing with,
"Your right! We are just human and that's why we have the added advantage of having her guardians teach her about the powers they gave her. Please let them try" he pleaded to his sobbing wife.
Jack waited for what seemed like an eternity for Lili's response and a new wave of terrifying scenarios raged around his head about his daughter's new mysterious status.
Lili reluctantly nodded her head, refusing to look away from her innocent daughter in the crib and Jack let her go for a moment and put his hand in his pocket.
"What's that?" Lili sniffled, observing the shell curiously.
"It's to help us communicate with her guardians" Jack replied and whispered the opening words.
The shell slowly opened and the shimmering light shone out.
"Can you hear me?" Jack asked into the shell.
"Yes, Jack! We can hear you. Did you explain everything we discussed to Lili?" Oona asked.
Lili took the shell and cautiously held it up to her mouth.
She took a deep breath,
"Yes, he did and I agree you should train her to hone her new powers" she replied with a heavy heart.
The distraught queen handed the shell back to Jack and, without another word, went into the nursery shutting the door firmly behind her, leaving Jack standing alone, wondering if they would be able to handle this new development in their lives.
However, throughout the years, Lili became more intrigued by her daughter's developing powers and encouraged Jasmine's magic lessons with the leaders, much to Jack's dismay.
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"She needs her human lessons more! We don't want to encourage her to keep using her powers. We don't want anyone to know what she is!" He would argue with his optimistic wife.
"I know, my love but you cannot stop her from practising them because if she doesn't it could build up within her and turn her crazy like the others" Lili would often remind him, making him more agitated and resentful of magic overall.
As the years went by, the increasingly tense king arranged extra security and put strict rules in place for the princess, limiting the amount of staff allowed to be in contact with her and ensuring she had lessons with human teachers in a bid to distract her attention away from magic, and the forest, and more towards her human responsibilities and her royal status.
The anxious king became so determined to rid Jasmine of her magical fate that he decided to put a plan in place that would not only shock his daughter but test his marriage to his disapproving wife.
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