Greetings and welcome to oneshot Blue Ribbon, I deeply apologise to readers has not been edited since 2021, missing some details and any poor grammar on my part. Never the less, hope you enjoy this story.
France 1805
Woman sat in garden with a man, their hands entwines watching many little people running around, couples lost in each other's eyes.
Love. No words to describe love, it is something only you can feel with all your heart and soul.
I remember it as if it were yesterday. Long before the revolution, when the royal family of France ruled over the country. Before the revolution changed the course of France history .
Fifteen year old Caroline Tanell was a young lady living in the city of France, working under great semestress as an apprentice. No interest in courting the opposite .
When she was a little girl, she dreamed of becoming a famous semestress, making latest trends in all of Paris. A lot of girls her age dreamed of becoming nobles, marrying the prince or take on family businesses. Except her parents were normal folk running wine making business. Selling their wares to salesmen or nobles. She dreamed big but it was only going to get her so far in life.
When she turned fifteen, some of her siblings were already apprenticed to take over the businesss or marriage to other families in their small country town. Bad season with grapevine. But she still believed she could do so much more. Pursue her passion.
One night, her father told her for some time now aware we experienced bad season, lost half of stock. Cost to replant is expensive. I've found a solution to our financial problem. For that I have decided to marry Caroline off to a man in another town. Shocked. "He has a lot of wealth and attractive. Settle down and start a family of your own. What more could you possibly want." Put up with his behaviour for years, because he was her father and loved him. This was her future. " She wanted more with life. Slapped her. "selfish girl. We have raised you, fed you under our roof. You should be grateful we not have made you a peasant. " she held the edge of face. " He'll be here first thing tomorrow. I expect you will be on your best behavior and dress the part. "
Ran into garden. Crying. Overheard one of farm hands were planning to go to Paris soon to deliver wines. We have to be gone by midnight. she found her window of opportunity. Fresh start. Snuck to her small room. Will have to leave everything else behind. Take food from the kitchen and placed in a wick basket. Put cloak over her dress. Glance over shoulder light candle. Silent goodbye to life she once knew and left in the shadow of night. she slipped into the cart in a grey cloak with basket of bread and dry fruits. Days on the road, when cart stopped at a tavern. She slept in the stable with the horses. The hay felt Itchy and uncomfortable against her skin. But it was better than the cold, wet ground.
Paris was exactly like she dreamed of. It was beautiful. Met Madam Dequise, a shop keeper worked with her husband. She saw determination in the young girl. Taken under her wing as an apprentice to work at her husband's store near one of town squares.
Brought her into apartment, sharing with ten other girls and sharing a room with three of them. simple bed. Dresser and sink. She will Share the bathroom. given a change of clothes. A bath. Hand drawn. this is Carol. New apprentice. It is nice to meet you.
Three years later.
It had been three years since she ran away from countryside farm life to live in Paris. New start to her new life, as she did not wish for anyone or parents from back old life to find her she took on a new name, a new identity. Carol Bell, a young lady with no family, aspiring to become a shopkeeper. It was not easy start. The city was enormous and days to navigate without a persian or urchin guide with coin. She ran out of food and money. Option to become peasant.
There was a nice couple who ran a cafe, if it weren't for their kindness she would never met the Madam Dequise, a tall woman with hooked nose and spectactles, came across the penniless girl.
Coincidentally had been preparing to visit an orphanage hire orphans on husbands behalf to work for them and earn a wage. she saw determination in the young girl. She brought the girl back to residence and took her under her wing as an adopted daughter. Female apprentice to learn the ropes of the shopkeeping trade in Mr. Dequieses store. Work alongside the other apprentices. She would be sharing a room with three other girls, a bathroom and expected to wear a uniform.
Punctual. Late. will be punishments.
As Carol bell, she dove head first into learning the ropes of her employers store, became acquainted with some of employees. Others not so much. She made the most of circumstances to work hard and save money aside to affort small things in life. Mainly books. She enjoyed bookstore. Built her way up to assisting in main part of employer's store. Best part of work learn something new everyday.
Tied her hair back in a bun.
Everyday I would venture through the cobblestone streets through crowds of people and beggers in alleyways asking for money or food to eat.
I would visit a little café for breakfast, well known for their crossiants, and hot beverages. Some would say prices should go up but I digress, easier to afford and enjoy for all. Not just for high class society and noble classes.Known for generosity to give scraps of food to the homeless.
Then after breakfast, straight to the workshop behind store to work on Madam Estelle's designs. Studying under her. learnt a few things about embroidery, fabrics and silks and cottons. Travelled around continents to French soil. To be woven into garments for men and woman of noble class. Madam and assistants in main store serving customers, I rarely ever left the backrooms unless asked by Madam. Prefer quiet solitude of designing outfits and reading to the noise of customers all day.Days would continue. Madam asked me to mind the store with assistants. "If you are to become a designer and run a store, i need to learn sooner rather than later. "Maybe you will learn something. "Wear an apron over dress. "Must look presentable at all times and professional. The reputation on store depends on it. "Don't mind Madam, she may be strict but she means well. Wishes for the success of boutique." Strawberry blonde lady assured her. Sarah, one of elder apprentice she had recently been given an official position as an assistant. After all this was boutique for high classes. Main task were to ensure everything was clean and order, feel free to call me if there are any problems.
Checking all the womans clothing was spotless. Male apprentices in mens sector next door.
She heard the Bell tinkled.
Glance up from her work to see three men and a woman entered the store. Expensive suits and cravats. Customers. man in black and white. Second gentleman brown hair. Woman wore a powder white wig with decorations and dress. Last Gentleman in rich blue wait coat and cravat. Hair tied back with a ribbon.
One of male employees approached and gave bow. Greet the for.
"bonjour moisiours, welcome to Madam boutique, how may we serve you on this fine day?"
" We seek best waistcoats and (clothing) for a social party. We'll need them prepared by tomorrow at the latest."
Come right this way sirs. Takes through archway to the next door. Lady is led to dresses with her nose in the air.
Heroine can you please receive fabrics.
Rush to bring bundle of cloth and fabric to one of the assistants. Foot caught on the edge of Tripped over edge of dress, falling froward. Felt a strong muscular arm wrap around my waist.
Helped up. thick accented voice. "are you alright, mademoiselle?" She slowly lifted her head up, little stiff from
Stare into steel grey eyes. She felt as if she was drowning in their depths. Almost forgot to breathe. Woods. Soap. World around us became quiet until two of us.
Faint stubble in his jaw. Masculine, mint and cigar. Intimidating with smirk on his lips. Checking him out. drew away. Apologise, before he could say anything, she excused herself and hope he has a good day before walking through curtained area into backroom. Cheeks red. Embarrassed she had made fool of herself in front of a nobleman.
End of Blue Ribbon.

Fanficwriter01's Anthology (Completed)
Ficción GeneralConsists of all the short stories and poems I've written over the years. Some from writing group and early writing years. It's Wattpad only. Please respect the copyrights. If I find anyone had plagiarized my work without asking my expressed written...