A/N: Written at the end of last writing group, and start of today's writing group. I hope you all enjoy it and have a wonderful day.
"Somebody help! My friend's stuck."
Mary- Sue Lane, an eighteen year old girl and graduate, was on her way home from work. Body heavy, and exhaustion from a long nine hour shift, she could only think of making hot coffee, it should warm her up in the freezing conditions. Rain puddles could be seen on side of the road.
The weatherman had predicted rain the night before, and rainy all last-night into early hours of the morning, she had luckily thought to bring an umbrella. It was winter after all. she couldn't risk getting sick, not so close to the end of winter sale season. Unfortunately, her car battery had decided to start going flat, and forced her to drop it off at the mechanics to be replaced, as well as monthly inspection. On foot it was.
As she was passing a nearby park, she was brought out of her train of thought by the sound of shouting. at first, she thought, she was imagining things, but after five minutes along the walkway, she heard the same voice again. Not a figment of her imagination. straining her ears, she could hear a shout.
" Somebody help, my friend's stuck.!" At that, a sense of dread. Something was very wrong. before she could think, her feet were already moving towards the sound, into the park.
Two minutes later, Mary-sue arrived at a creek, the ground still muddy from the previous day, her blue eyes searching for the source of the shouting, and spotted two figures, one huddled near a pond, and the second, nearly knee deep in a muddy-pond. The first girl saw Mary, and waved her arms, repeating the call for help. Mary said she was coming, slowly navigating her way through grassy area, watching for tell-tale sign of puddles.
Very soon she reached the person's side, the girl, upon closer look was in a school uniform, and the second person in the mud was wearing a similar uniform. she put two and two together.
The girl's had decided to take a shortcut through the park, one of them had stepped into the puddle without realizing how deep it was and quickly got stuck. The friend tried to pull them out, but it only caused the person to get scared, and sink.
Next she tried to her mobile phone to try contact the emergency line for help, only to find her phone wasn't in her jacket. she suspects it must have fallen out when she tried to help, and dropped upon one of the sharp rocks near the creek, instantly cracking the screen. it wouldn't work. empathizes she showed a Samsung galaxy phone, with glitter cover, with long, deep spiderweb cracked across the screen., and her friend's phone in her skirt pocket, couldn't get it , without getting stuck herself. she couldn't leave her friend in a muddy sinkhole.
Small sinkholes were not uncommon in the park, warning signs at the entrances. Mary asked how long it had been since this happened. fifteen to thirty minutes, a sense of dread washed over her, a minor in mud, with freezing conditions. noting the shivering form, if the kid didn't get out soon, she would catch a cold, sick or hypothermia.
She tried to think. remember what her old camp mentors used to teach kids and adults, or the movies. no ropes or snakes. she only had a long umbrella on her person or the wooden branch. small.
Mary advised the scared girl to focus on her, know she's scared, but she needs to listen closely and do what she says. the shivering girl gave a small nod, teeth starting to chatter. closing her umbrella, got down on her knees, and encouraged the girl to slowly lay on her back.
"That's it." slowly extending the umbrella towards the girl, who grabbed onto it.
she slowly tugged umbrella towards herself, the young friend stood a safe distance nearby, watching anxiously. suddenly, someone's hands encircled alongside her own, and joined in. From the corner of her eye, she noticed a strange man in casual jeans, vest, checkered shirt, jacket, jacket and boots. sharp grey eyes met her own, he gave her a small nod.
together, they were able to pull the girl out. She was very pale, and shivering, it was too late contact emergency aide, needed immediate medical attention. The man offered them a lift, Mary took it upon herself to accompany them, lending the girl her jacket. upon their arrival, quickly jumped out the vehicle and helped girl inside. First girl, thanked them both, took her friend to the nearest reception desk to be checked in. they'll possibly call their parents to explain what happened.
Left her with the man. thanked him for his help. no worries. although he''l need to contact park ranger to report the new sinkhole, and place new signs prevent anyone else getting stuck again.
They went out for a coffee, and received a phone number typed into her phone.
Finish Somebody (2022)

Fanficwriter01's Anthology (Completed)
General FictionConsists of all the short stories and poems I've written over the years. Some from writing group and early writing years. It's Wattpad only. Please respect the copyrights. If I find anyone had plagiarized my work without asking my expressed written...