No matter how much she tried to hide it, act normal. No matter where she went, at every turn, she could feel eyes watching her everywhere she goes. Judging. In reality, no one paid her any mind. Even when the kind eyes of her boyfriend Caleb gazed her own, and innocent eyes of cocker spaniel pup, Goldie. It was as if the truth was slowly starting to eat her up from the inside out. Threatening to climb out her throat. She swallowed. Possibility, someone had been there that night, and had seen them. Cheating, while Caleb was working a late shift. Why hadn't they told him? She didn't know. But She thought after the first note. It would be the last of it. But how wrong she was.
She was out getting mail when she saw an envelope address to her, upon opening it she found the same black handwriting,
Did you think lying to the police will change anything? You are only going to make it worse. Hope you enjoy the little gift.
She found another piece of paper with a clear photo, she instantly paled again. It was a picture of her underneath a man with a look of ecstasy on her face, while the person rode on top of her in the car. Not any man. Him.
She ripped it to shreds. In the days that followed, more notes started to appear in her letter box, one stage somehow ended up on her kitchen fridge, luckily, she was able to remove it before Caleb and some of his friends came in. That was far too close. Although it made her wonder.
How did the person know? what did they want from her?
Third POV
The person was a close friend of her boyfriend. He was furious at what he'd seen. But stopped, and thought he needed to be smart. Look more into it and see what he could find out. Waited a week before made the first move. Dressed in dark layers and lay in wait outside Annah's house. He sent the brick flying through the window, and quickly hid in nearby bushes. Saw as she crouched down and read the note. Pale as a ghost. She was scared. Goo, it was only the start of his plan. Caleb came into the room and contacted the police. He decided to leave.
Someone in town had seen Annah with the man but thought they were friends. A little schoolgirl saw them both on the hood of a pickup truck, sucking his face off. Her mother scolded the girl and apologised to him. He decided to Spread a rumour about Annah had a secret lover on the side and hide it. Little town didn't have crime except for random shoplifter or underage drinker. In a small town like theirs, people loved to gossip.
Big event at town hall, someone turned on the large screen. No-one paid attention at first until saw what was on it. Slideshow appeared on the large screen. Her and the mystery man. She couldn't take it anymore. She finally spilled the beans, then froze and put her hands over her mouth. What had I done? Gasps and murmurs swept the room.
"Why?" Caleb asked.
Annah met the guy while dating Caleb, started seeing each other and developed feelings for him. Michael. Fortnight ago we went up to hills to spend time together. Didn't know anyone else would be there that night. Afterwards Michael and her got into a small fight. Deleted his messages and blocked calls. She swept it under the rug, hoping it may keep her relationship with Caleb afloat. Only, the mystery notes started. Guilt for hiding but when Michael showed up and mentioned the notes too. Figured someone was trying to scare them. Congrats, the individual got what they wanted.
Girlfriend cheating with him was out in the open for everyone to see, there was nowhere to hide anymore. Scandalous. Caleb's heart was shattered into a million pieces. Townies were on his side, not his girlfriend or Michael. Not after what they'd done. There was no coming back from this. Caleb and Annah's relationship was officially over and never wanted to see her again. He waited until Annah went to work and grabbed his spare clothes from her room. They had good memories together. He left that room and the house, leaving her spare key in the pot plant. Received the cardboard box from the car and left it on her front step.
Not long after. He heard someone had taken it from her front porch and threw it all over the bushes and shoes hanging off the edge of the gutter. Then, people egged Annah's car and spray-painted side of her house with some course language and name calling. Police were called but only shrugged. She showed up at his work begging him to tell people to stop, they're doing it to Michael too, but he gave her the cold look, not much he can do. They are doing it of their own accord. She ran off in tears and eventually it became too much for them both. Days later, there was a sign with sale sign, Annah and Michael had decided to pack up and leave town together. Last Caleb heard from a friend, they had moved somewhere upstate, and friends cut ties with them.
He had his friends, gained new friends supported him, faithful canine companion, Goldie, who remained at his side and rock through the breakup. It was a year later he met Sara Black, a stunning country bumpkin with bright orange hair, and softest kind grey eyes he ever seen. She was a beauty. He was a little closed off to relationships, but with time, and care, unbeknownst to him, it slowly started to heal. They started to become incredibly close, feelings started to blossom for the carrot haired woman, but it wasn't until the night of one of country town's festivities their feelings became known to one another, and brough them together. They started small with dates, he introduced her to Goldie, she became smitten with him, and spoil rotten at any chance. His friends and relatives approved of her. Four years later, they were living together in the same house and engaged. She really had a heart of gold and given him trust and support, he truly found the one. Sara was a miracle.

Fanficwriter01's Anthology (Completed)
Fiksi UmumConsists of all the short stories and poems I've written over the years. Some from writing group and early writing years. It's Wattpad only. Please respect the copyrights. If I find anyone had plagiarized my work without asking my expressed written...