Manila Envelope (2022)

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A/N: This is a work of fiction written as part of a writing exercise. I apologise this was rushed, and cringy.

Wednesday, 14th September 2020

It was fifteen minutes past nine, on a college night when I heard a knock on the door.


Earlier, Reya had attended classes for Biology at her local college, then worked afternoon shift until eight pm. she was relieved when she returned tp her dorm room, and take off the suffocting blue medical mask from over her mouth, thanks pandemic, and flopped onto the comfy coffee brown couch.

Her roommate, Larah, was kind enough to cook a delicious ricotta pasta, and leave it in the fridge for her.

She was an angel send from the heavens to bless world with her culinary skills.

Right now, the roommate was in shared bedroom, likely studying ahead of tomorrow's class.

Small Timeskip

Reya had decided to put a rom-con on to pass the time, at the same time she was curious what the tv show's favourite couple were hiding their relationship, from their friends and family. Just when it was getting to the good part.

she heard a knock on the dorm door. she was unsure who would be out at this time of night. she waited a minute, no voices, but something slipped under the door, and a pair of footsteps disappear down the hall.

she got up from the couch, and opened the front door, looking both ways, noone was there, but when she took a step back, heard paper crinkle. her blue eyes looked down to see a singke manila envelope, written in cursive, was her name.


She opened the envelope, with a pair scissors. inside was a piece of paper with a single message:

Meet me at the Club Meeting room at 5pm tomorrow,

don't be late.


The End.

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