chapter 1

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Izuku used to be obsessed on wanting to be a hero, he always watching heroes fighting such as allmight, eraserhead, midnight and more.

His favorite is allmight, he want to be like allmight, saving everyone with a big smile. That's what he always wanted to do, but that dream fall when he found out he's quirkless.

He's sad for a whole week, not going school, and even just staying most of his time on his room, just watching the allmight's rescue.

But one day when he's walking back to his house, he saw 2  people with a full cosplay of heroes, it's not that good, but it's still made izuku's heart throb. It's been a while since he got this feeling.

The excitement when he first saw the heroes, that same throb. That made izuku go towards them and they got blinded by the cuteness of the child.

"H...hello, you all look cool"

"Oh my!! He's so cute right # # # #?!"

"Hello there little guy, why are you walking alone, just by yourself?"

"My house is just close here and mother is on the work, but how did you make yourself look like eraserhead?!"

"Oh you know the new underground hero?"

"Yes!! He's one of my favorite"

"So cute."

Izuku is just talking to them and complementing them, # # # is admiring the cuteness of the child and # # # # is just talking to the little guy and explaining him the word "cosplay" and how they have to use make up and some costumes to look like the certain character.

"So it's just you called "makeup?""

"Yes I'll give you my whole collection of make up if you want little cutie!!"

# # # just give izuku a big bag filled of makeup, and some brushes and even some things you need.

"A..are you sure?, It's seems a lot ma'am"

"No problem little angel, I have more on my house!!

# # # pet izuku's head and then # # # # look at the watch and tell # # # that they have to go. Which make izuku sad but respect their schedule and thank them again. Izuku bow and then walk away, and the two cosplayer go to where ever they have to go.

Izuku is so excited about it, that he ran home just to see the make ups he got, once he got home I finds his mother on the living room watching TV with junkfoods around her, she's been stress eating after she found out izuku is quirkless.

She don't care if izuku is quirkless, but the news has been circling around their neighborhood that cause her to got fired to her work, that put her to too much stress. And let's add izuku's sadness about being quirkless, seeing her son that sad is making a mother's heart broken.

Izuku hate the sudden change of his mother, she always secretly eating all the junkfoods, and in the next day she acts like nothing happens, she thinks izuku didn't see him yet, but izuku saw it, he loves to help but he can't, but now he's going to try and help him.


Inko jolt up and look at his son, she look at the junkfoods laying around, she forgot that it's the time that her son is coming home, she even forgot to picked him up since he used to be always at work, he can't picked him up but now she don't have a work he have to picked him up now.

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